Same, ngl. I rlly hate how she is taking things and not just on the political level. Like. She is willing to use the mage girl for her knowledge (she lit only started to think of gifts and how to get closer when it benefit her about the symbol) knowing they are on opposite sides and that such request would put pressure on the other side because she still has her family to think about... WHILE GETTING MAD SHE "BETRAYED" HER. like girl. She wants her family to succeed. Ofc she will tell the empress. Why are you whining about being used or betrayed when u used her first...
Same, ngl. I rlly hate how she is taking things and not just on the political level. Like. She is willing to use the mage girl for her knowledge (she lit only started to think of gifts and how to get closer whe... Yaya
In these two latest chapters i lowkey be getting mad at the fl. Like there could've been other ways, wasn't she the empress in her first life.