In any moment I said he was being honest or in love though??? All I said is: his confession, wether is stockholm syndrome or a masochist affection, probably WILL change their dynamics. Yes, Dan is probably getting restless when he learns what has happened and JK will probably get extra defensive, and THAT will change things between than, for the best or for the worse, I'm not trying to guess which on is going to be. Idk about you but I'm really unsatisfied with their """"""relationship"""""" rn and Jaekyung won't change his shitty behavior by his own.
> The story needs development asap and this confession might start it. That's all what I'm saying, nothing more. <

babes let me leave the definition of stockholm syndrome here “ Stockholm syndrome describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals.” Which very clearly explains whats going on here. Even though love is a complex feeling and is hard to be explained properly… kim dan is being deluded into thinking that this is love, is it? no! but its all he has ever received from JK..and to add to that, he probably has no prior experience to compare what hes going through to actual love and affection.

i already cleared that… hes being deluded due to lacking experience in love.. nowhere in the definition of stockholm syndrome is the word “love” mentioned, and thats intentional. I do think that mingwa will turn this into some stupid story and jk falls inlove with kim dan and he starts being less aggressive or wtv but as i said this isn’t love due to the circumstance… it may turn into ACTUAL love… but due to change in circumstance.

I do agree with the latter part of your statement. However, I still believe Kim Dan is falling in love rather than being deluded. JK is never been kind to him at least intentionally to be liked by Kim Dan. And Kim Dan is not showing any signs or symptoms as we speak the people who experience Stockholm syndrome. He's falling.

I don't believe this is Stockholm syndrome though. Even though Jaekyung abuses Dan, Jae Kyung has also shown some likable qualities that can make Dan fall for him. The fact that Jaekyung is literally the only person who has helped Dan this much is already shaming your opinion. Dan finds Jaekyung attractive…he always has since the beginning. Jaekyung visited Dan’s grandma in the hospital(someone Dan holds dear the most). He saved Dan from getting raped by those loan sharks, he started to become considerate of Dan during their smexxy times, and he took the doctor’s advice of being more affectionate(kissing and stuff). He feeds Dan and lets him stay in his home and Heesung says he doesn't let anyone into his home. Love can progress in the most unusual way.
I admit Jaekyung’s personality is fucked up but he still has human sympathy and cares for Dan even though he doesn't want to admit it. The dude has pride and may see love as a distraction to his career I think.

you can find someone attractive or have a good impression on them but that does not mean they have fallen in love with them at first sight. i can find someone attractive without being in love or like them in that way (that only happenes in fairy tales). he might have seen him in diffrent sight when he went to his gradma or when he won that match with the russian guy.

You're right but that was an attraction. I didn't say it was love at first sight. I said Dan has been attracted to Jaekyung since the beginning, even before the abuse. You can check the chapters. It doesn't count as Stockholm syndrome. SS, you start to develop an attraction to your abuser but Dan already had those attractions, Jaekyung only triggered it more when he did more nice things for Dan.

he was not attracted to him dan wasn't even technically gay at the start or thought of jaekyung that way. he was blushing because he was new to seeing someone's body like that. it was never implied at the start that dan saw him in that way at all and frankly dan was just glad he got a job. also dan thinking he's handsome does not in any way make him attracted to jk. those are two different things being actually attracted to someone or just having eyes and being able to tell someone is good looking or not.
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS IT'S A GOOD THING DAN HAS CONFESSED even though he's not in his right mind????
I mean, we all want some change in their dinamycs, and this is the best and fast way we can have it! Also, Jaekyung didn't really react agressive or too upset about it??
(Btw, I made a list on Twitter of possible reactions JK would have after the confession, but it's in portuguese and I'm honestly too lazy to translate it to English rn lol)