what the fucks happening in this cmt sect

yuu ★ November 12, 2023 6:01 am

hello??? who is tm. LMFAOOA

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 7:50 am
    ur a joke. u can’t own up to ur own actions and blame others by saying they forced you. no one forced you to do jack shit. grow up and take accountability. wishing the best for u antisocial

    Speaking facts

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:57 am
    ur a joke. u can’t own up to ur own actions and blame others by saying they forced you. no one forced you to do jack shit. grow up and take accountability. wishing the best for u antisocial

    No one of the trolls can own up to their actions and blame TM for it. No one forcing you to make TM a hypocrite but here you are talking out of your ass making assumptions. You fucking grow up and take accountability for your wretched delusions. TM did nothing wrong here. Yes I have said a few things to you and about JoJo but you are dumbass trolls that is harassing one person in a sick mind fuck game. You are a joke.

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 8:01 am

    Pigglypoof. She is only speaking facts for the people attacking TM. You need to grow the fuck up. You need to see you are wrong. You are dead wrong about us. We don’t have who you are talking about. Your hate blinds you. Shut up. We don’t care about your false claims.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 8:03 am
    No one of the trolls can own up to their actions and blame TM for it. No one forcing you to make TM a hypocrite but here you are talking out of your ass making assumptions. You fucking grow up and take accoun... Morning Diamonds

    bro get over it already like actually get a life. if it bothers u that much just drop it and no one will respond anymore literally that simple. if multiple ppl can’t help understand how much u contradict urself and make no sense then it is what it is. now that’s we’ve all said what we wanted let’s stop this pointless convo. like genuinely hope the best for u and ur hubby hopefull ppl wont engage or interact with u anymore and hopefully vice versa.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 8:03 am
    Pigglypoof. She is only speaking facts for the people attacking TM. You need to grow the fuck up. You need to see you are wrong. You are dead wrong about us. We don’t have who you are talking about. Your ... Morning Diamonds

    okay now that you got that off ur chest let’s end it.

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 8:07 am

    You actually seem to care a lot about my opinion, MD. Please feed my ego more

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 8:13 am
    bro get over it already like actually get a life. if it bothers u that much just drop it and no one will respond anymore literally that simple. if multiple ppl can’t help understand how much u contradict urse... antisocial

    This is the second time. I should go back and call you out are you making me TM?

    It is seems you are still being stupid. Trolls don’t matter. Your point doesn’t apply since they are trolls. I am not SM either. You are fucking delusional. You are a hypocrite

    antisocial November 12, 2023 8:25 am
    This is the second time. I should go back and call you out are you making me TM? It is seems you are still being stupid. Trolls don’t matter. Your point doesn’t apply since they are trolls. I am not SM ei... Morning Diamonds

    literally what the actual fuck are you saying it makes absolutely no sense. grow up and drop it already. i seem to be the only mature one saying okay let’s just stop this pointless argument since it’s bothering u so much and then you go and add on to it. how do you expect ppl to not bothered you when you can’t stop bothering others. it’s over so stop responding already

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 8:55 am

    To antisocial, what was that about blocking lol.

    What the fuck are you talking about. Grow up because your message or dropping this was not clear with you pushing your hate agenda. It is not an argument when it is attacking a person. You are defaming him. You make stupid points. Is it over?