what the fucks happening in this cmt sect

yuu ★ November 12, 2023 6:01 am

hello??? who is tm. LMFAOOA

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:12 am

    and u thinking i was a genuine person bffr u don’t know me i’m literally some random person on the internet talking abt how u thought i was a genuine person

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 7:16 am
    okay so what i was gonna reply was: making ridiculous points that do not fit the situation? i made the same points as you, glad you see them the same way i do, ridiculous. you comment abt how they keep the dram... antisocial

    It's crazy isn't it? How they turn everything around on you like you're the one who forced them to comment.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:19 am
    It's crazy isn't it? How they turn everything around on you like you're the one who forced them to comment. pigglypoof

    nah fr it makes no sense at all lol

    jojo November 12, 2023 7:24 am
    nah fr it makes no sense at all lol antisocial

    i hope they keep their promise and never come back ..lol

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:27 am
    okay so what i was gonna reply was: making ridiculous points that do not fit the situation? i made the same points as you, glad you see them the same way i do, ridiculous. you comment abt how they keep the dram... antisocial

    He was not being a hypocrite. You simply don’t understand what he was doing.
    He is not trolling. He is not trying to upset anyone. What are you talking about? You said he attacked people. He was trying to help your confusing and explain the truth. But you only want point out things not there.

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:27 am

    “ How they turn everything around on you like you're the one who forced them to comment.

    Go touch grass

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:28 am

    “ i hope they keep their promise and never come back ..lol”

    He didn’t say that.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:31 am
    He was not being a hypocrite. You simply don’t understand what he was doing. He is not trolling. He is not trying to upset anyone. What are you talking about? You said he attacked people. He was trying to he... Morning Diamonds

    he was being a hypocrite if you don’t understand what that means i recommend you search it up. not once did i say he attacked anyone, please show me where i said that. same as u told me to go back and read my comment maybe u should go back and read it to get ur facts straight. it’s okay to admit ur wrong

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:33 am
    “ How they turn everything around on you like you're the one who forced them to comment. ”Go touch grass Morning Diamonds

    you can’t force anyone to comment what did they put a gun up to his head and say comment? no. he commented on his own free will. based on ur logic i’m free to say that tm did the same and forced me to comment. doesn’t make sense now that im using ur own logic on ur hubby huh

    pigglypoof November 12, 2023 7:33 am

    I got free time today, MD. I can play all night long

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:34 am
    he was being a hypocrite if you don’t understand what that means i recommend you search it up. not once did i say he attacked anyone, please show me where i said that. same as u told me to go back and read my... antisocial

    He was not a hypocrite. He is not a hypocrite. You are.
    Get your damn head on straight and get the facts straight.

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:37 am
    i think it’s more so on ur logic of how rape is a pov and if u feel something is rape then ur the one with a rapist mentality. like u said, ppl get attacked for having their own opinion, yet ur doing the same... antisocial

    ^. Read this. Your goal is to make him a hypocrite. You are a joke. That you forgot what you said.

    “ like u said, ppl get attacked for having their own opinion, yet ur doing the same. u can’t preach abt it and then do the same lol the double standard makes u a hypocrite”

    You have some mental issues.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:37 am
    He was not a hypocrite. He is not a hypocrite. You are. Get your damn head on straight and get the facts straight. Morning Diamonds

    he was. he was. get that through your head. do you need me to include the definition for you?

    jojo November 12, 2023 7:38 am
    you can’t force anyone to comment what did they put a gun up to his head and say comment? no. he commented on his own free will. based on ur logic i’m free to say that tm did the same and forced me to comm... antisocial

    dont try much with them they dont want to understand they only want to push their believes they wanna make everyone look bad except their little group. Also i am starting to believe that they love mentioning how they are a victim and they are being bullied .

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:42 am
    The person that is telling them the truth with links and facts and they are ganging up on in cyberbullying. I don't know how long it is has been like this but it has been here before I came here.If you have a d... TM SM YZ

    You are in the right to explain what happened. You could have explained better.
    You could had explained that person was was you at the beginning or start off explaining it is you. I think you were answering who is TM.
    The rest was okay. You said you tried to have civil conversations. They are trolling you hard.

    “I had an aneurysm reading all that”. What a loser.
    You are such a hypocrite TM. Lol

    They are boring and losers.

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:43 am
    he was. he was. get that through your head. do you need me to include the definition for you? antisocial

    He was being civil and explained the situation. He tried to have civil conversation here.
    Your false accusations are shit.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:44 am
    ^. Read this. Your goal is to make him a hypocrite. You are a joke. That you forgot what you said. “ like u said, ppl get attacked for having their own opinion, yet ur doing the same. u can’t preach abt... Morning Diamonds

    wow like i have said b4 u clearly didn’t understand anything i said okay let me stupify this for you. first of all how am i gonna have a goal to make someone a hypocrite when like i said only ur actions make u a hypocrite sorry ur hubby is just that, a hypocrite. and that’s pretty narcissistic to assume my goal is to make ur hubby look bad, no get a life. and as i said “ like u said, ppl get attacked for having their own opinion, yet ur doing the same. u can’t preach abt it and then do the same lol the double standard makes u a hypocrite” ur hubby complains that ppl attack him for having an opinion yet when someone else has their own option he bitches about it and says ur attack me ur attacking me. and then proceeds to have a full blown convo on why he doesn’t agree with them or why they somehow forced him to comment and other bs. so yes he is being a hypocrite like he said this would’ve all been avoided if they stopped replying to him, but the same pertains to him. if he stopped replying it also could’ve all been avoided. so yes once again the double standard. and no i didnt forget what i wrot. i don’t see word for word me saying ur attacking ppl. i just pointed out how he was being a hypocrite. hope this helps you understand better lmk if anything else is confusing you

    Morning Diamonds November 12, 2023 7:46 am

    No one of us pushed believes and we don’t wanna make everyone look bad except their little “group” . We don’t love mentioning how we are a victim and we are being bullied.
    Jojo is a joke.

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:47 am
    He was being civil and explained the situation. He tried to have civil conversation here. Your false accusations are shit. Morning Diamonds

    i was also being civil and explained on my part. i’m not the one who’s argument wasn’t going the way they wanted so they felt the need to block. your lack of common sense and logic are shit. ur arguments are also shit since you can’t seem to make any valid points. you just keep repeating the same bullshit

    antisocial November 12, 2023 7:49 am
    No one of us pushed believes and we don’t wanna make everyone look bad except their little “group” . We don’t love mentioning how we are a victim and we are being bullied. Jojo is a joke. Morning Diamonds

    ur a joke. u can’t own up to ur own actions and blame others by saying they forced you. no one forced you to do jack shit. grow up and take accountability. wishing the best for u