omg what

ca(sin)o December 4, 2016 9:23 am

i just realized in the last chapter that they were @ LAX and california DOES NOT get that cold lmao unless of course they come from okinawa... i suppose it would be a lil colder to them

    pinq December 22, 2016 5:18 am

    I'm Thai and I went to LA on the last new year. It's around 13ºC and that's pretty cold for me because the lowest temp in my country is just around 20ºC
    I think it's the same case as theirs. (=・ω・=)

    ca(sin)o December 22, 2016 7:38 am
    I'm Thai and I went to LA on the last new year. It's around 13ºC and that's pretty cold for me because the lowest temp in my country is just around 20ºC I think it's the same case as theirs. (=・ω・=) pinq

    13 C is indeed colder for other ppl but YIKES that winter gear is too much

    hillyq da cookie monster February 11, 2017 12:38 pm

    omg deleted ... u keep popping up at almost every manga I've read!!

    Gabe Blue October 3, 2017 1:48 am
    omg deleted ... u keep popping up at almost every manga I've read!! hillyq da cookie monster

    LMFAOOO GUYS YOU SERIOUS!!?!?! x'D 13°C? 20°C!?! ROFLLLLL *Dead XD*

    In my country I find the Winter too hot and it's around -50°C in the middle of it HAHAHAHAHA

    But on the other hand, I'm dying at 20°C mid-summer, so.....if I inverse the thing, I think I can related ^^'


    Mameiha February 9, 2019 9:48 am

    Hot and cold are relative. 0°F is warm to me because I live where the temp in winter hits -40°F. So, when the weather says it will be above 0° I bust out the shorts and t-shirts! LOL I have also lived where 70°F was a cold day in winter. Can you imagine how I felt the first time I faced a -40°F day after living in a place that was always warm? It sucked and I told my husband he had dragged be to a place with nothing but polar bears and penguins! After 20 years, I'm finally used to it.

    Uselessfujoshi June 26, 2019 2:33 pm
    LMFAOOO GUYS YOU SERIOUS!!?!?! x'D 13°C? 20°C!?! ROFLLLLL *Dead XD*In my country I find the Winter too hot and it's around -50°C in the middle of it HAHAHAHAHABut on the other hand, I'm dying at 20°C mid-su... Gabe Blue

    -50°Celsius is way too low for human to live in i think.