Z3tsu39 November 11, 2023 9:06 pm

I have already gone back and forth on the "morals" of the fanfiction piece in general but I just want my two cents out now that my thoughts are collected. Does this piece contain rape? Yes it does, several times. Many times Dan is overpowered by brute force alone even when he asked to stop. His grandma was in an emergency at the hospital but he still was forced to have sex which is blatantly rape because he did not want to continue at that time. Aren't they in a contractual relationship when he agreed to provide sex? Yes they are and there is no problem with that ALONE. The problem is the seme abusing that for his own satisfaction without the mental and physical care for his sexual partner. Paying for his services does not mean he is entitled to whatever he wants with his body. That is a straight up human being not a life size sex toy so although he paid, he is still obligated to make sure he is being respectful to the partner. Doesn't matter if they are not dating. Should this fiction be taken seriously? No, because at the end of the day that's all it is. What people read is fine and their own business, I'm obviously reading it too but more so because it's a train wreck I can't look away from but that is just me. If you enjoy it that's fine. HOWEVER the issue is people are taking the said seme/rapist in the comments to justify his actions by claiming it's not rape, and that is where I get heated. We can all agree it is what it is without criticizing others for reading even if it's distasteful but don't go around trying to defend the work because in turn that makes me look at you very sus. This is a porn material based story where it fetishes rape and the victim falling in love with said rapist. Fantasies are one thing but stop trying to justify what is and isn't rape with your own morals codes, that in my opinion is where it's just disgusting. Thank you and have a nice day.

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 2:36 am

    Thank you for the evidence of target harassed with all the lies. This is what you call cyber bullying. " Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior."


    I want civil conversations. If you talk to me without attacks that would change everything. it is about YOUR BEHAVIOR.

    Switch what Yoonald said. I tried to have a civil conversation with everyone here but I got attacked. I got rude responses. I called them out. You guys acted like the callouts harmed you when your attacks were worse. I should be acting like you guys. I am not. I am not offended by people acting like children who can't handle links and articles or callouts.

    Calling someone out isn't meant to harm someone–it's meant to point out where someone went wrong in hopes of them correcting themself and apologizing. Being called out isn't the same thing as being attacked. Being attacked is a malicious intent to hurt,

    You are attacking me with the intent to HURT me when I am calling you out to hopes you will stop and have a conversation with me. I am a genuine person who would like the have real topics on jinx. I thought Yoonald was genuine but they could only attack me while ignoring others. They were out for blood because it was them that was offended and they want me to be offended. They never understood me and imposed false arguments on me. I never attacked. I never lashed out. i never gaslighted. I am not like any of you.
    I don't have to hurt others to feel better about myself that is what trolls and bullies do.
    Dudes, I only shared facts and called you out.
    Yoonald wanted an argument and i tried not to fight. They appear to be toxic and rude. And no sharing an opinion is sharing an opinion. Gaslight is gaslight. I have been gaslighted many times by people in this thread. The people in this thread have been abusive and toxic towards me.
    19 days ago I stopped making comments. The last few days were a test to see if I was going to continue to be a target for your amusement because you crave attacking people so much that you take unbiased people and make them jinx lovers to just attack them. My stance has been changed so many times. You are not even talking to the real me. You are talking to a fake version of me. 19 days ago, we decided to delete these profiles.
    So soon I will delete this profile. I will be free from your harassment. Free from your gaslighting. Free from your attacks. You will have to find someone else to attack. One day you will learn this is not rape but sexual assault and sexual coercion. You will be embarrassed thinking it is was. One day you will learn yaoi is not rape. I hope how I and many others were treated will weigh heave on your conscience. But I know that will not happen. So I give this karma. Karma will know how to hit every one of you. Hopefully, Karma can help you be better people.
    I just know I will have a new profile and you will not know who I am but I will know who all the trolls are that make this a hostile place. Don't blame me for your behavior. Stop the immature disgusting abusive gaslighting behaviors. Stop cyberbullying others who have different opinions. everyone just ganged up on me and I really did not do anything but share facts. if you are offended by facts and the call-outs for your own behavior. That is wild. Please mature. Please leave me alone and stop talking about someone who is not part of the conversation. How childish and toxic.

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 2:42 am

    im so glad there’s smart people in this thread talking about *those* two users because i thought i was the only one seeing their weird obsession with defending this story and attacking anyone who thinks differently. sadly they keep replying to any and everyone for an ounce of attention, i lowk believe they’re masochists who like being scolded at this point because aint no way they’re this delusional after all the backlash they get

    wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the same person using two users because all they do is state the same opinion over and over with no sensible explanation or just bad takes in general and then deflect by saying “just drop the story” or “you are a gaslighter” LMAOOO it’s hella funny and childish

    Yoonald November 12, 2023 2:42 am
    they can still respond to you sadly if you do also this person with manhwa in their user you guys should block too i forget the user -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ-

    they were also in my comment section defending them. They can still reply?? Oh God I hope they don't

    Z3tsu39 November 12, 2023 2:48 am

    @TM SM YZ
    Not even religious but you need Jesus and sleep I think. You have made yourself a part of every conversation I believe and have insults with every response, if you believe I and others are attacking you then it's a two way street. Thank you and have a nice day

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 2:50 am

    my god, TM-stick up the ass, pls get off the internet. count to three and breathe in, count to three and breath out. no one is reading ur long ass essays and it’s funny watching u rant and scramble to call each and every person any textbook definition of a bad individual. like do u get tired of playing the victim?? sorry that you can’t handle your favorite story being criticized but this complex of yours needs serious help. take the attention you have for readers and turn that energy inward i swear you’ll go places

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 2:51 am
    @TM SM YZ Not even religious but you need Jesus and sleep I think. You have made yourself a part of every conversation I believe and have insults with every response, if you believe I and others are attacking y... Z3tsu39

    Take your own advice .. Make learing about love will help you learn how hateful you have been and how wrong you comments are.

    No I have no made myself a part of every conversation. I don't have insults. You and others have attacked me. I have not attacked you. Stop the gaslighting.

    Z3tsu39 November 12, 2023 2:54 am

    @TM SM YZ
    As a wise person once said
    Gaslight, Gate Keep, Girl Boss

    ThatThing November 12, 2023 3:02 am
    Take your own advice .. Make learing about love will help you learn how hateful you have been and how wrong you comments are. No I have no made myself a part of every conversation. I don't have insults. You and... TM SM YZ

    Damn starting to sound like my mom with that deflection of personal responsibility you go queen

    Z3tsu39 November 12, 2023 3:04 am
    Damn starting to sound like my mom with that deflection of personal responsibility you go queen ThatThing


    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 3:06 am
    @TM SM YZ As a wise person once said Gaslight, Gate Keep, Girl Boss Z3tsu39

    That is not me.

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 3:07 am
    Slaayyy Z3tsu39

    Nothing to slay as it does not fit

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 3:09 am
    Damn starting to sound like my mom with that deflection of personal responsibility you go queen ThatThing

    I have not defection anything. That is rich coming from you when you don't know my stances or what I even said.
    I take personal responsibility when I do something but you and your friends' lies about me is not my personal responsibility. I will apologize for you and your friends' bad behavior. it is embarrassing.

    ThatThing November 12, 2023 3:20 am

    @TM I didn't even know these people till this shit but hey nothing brings a community together than someone ranting at anything that moves.

    levipleasecallmeback November 12, 2023 3:30 am

    my god @ TM is still going… i keep thinking the notif is a manga update, but low and behold it’s the lord of idiots speaking again

    didn’t know calling a fictional character a rapist made us friends, i know you aren’t the brightest but can you try a little harder to make sense and have an ounce of self-respect? take the L and go already. mad embarrassing, u are not slay :( !

    TM SM YZ November 12, 2023 3:40 am

    This topic is everyone whining because they took the loss. I have nothing to take the Lost on besides not having real conversations with anyone here. They want to lie and troll with petty cowardly insults.

    I apologize for your guys' bad behavior because you can't handle taking the loss. Hours ago. There is no rapist in this fictional story. One day you will understand that or you do and that is why you heavily harassing me for tell the truth.

    Z3tsu39 November 12, 2023 3:42 am

    Lol alright I know I have been entertaining this guy but he is just officially a troll, no one goes this hard on anything. Thanks for the laugh and my weekly entertainment, have a good night.

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 12, 2023 6:49 am

    oh god guys run the weirdo arrived

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 12, 2023 6:50 am
    they were also in my comment section defending them. They can still reply?? Oh God I hope they don't Yoonald

    yeah they can just not directly it sucks

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 12, 2023 6:51 am
    they were also in my comment section defending them. They can still reply?? Oh God I hope they don't Yoonald

    creator of thread has to block sm

    -ˋˏ KORI ˎˊ- November 12, 2023 6:57 am
    Oh that's a good point actually, I only briefly looked at the other profiles responses but they are both very long-winded so I don't think it is far fetched to assume that Z3tsu39

    they talk the same too