WHAT AND HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?? i dont think smtg can be stored up ur anus for a long time...

randy November 11, 2023 8:35 pm

WHAT AND HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?? i dont think smtg can be stored up ur anus for a long time (bcs logically u need to poop so it will get washed away) so that means the sussy thing just got inserted bfr the sex??? but then how can it stayed in when seme was humping that hole for who knows how long seeing uke blacked out for a moment (⊙…⊙ ) i could be wrong with my guess cus idk much human anatomy so.. OR is this another yaoi logic?? send help

    cheese November 12, 2023 5:41 pm

    awww c'monn~ everyone knows that all uke doesn't poop. their anus are always clean /j

    randy November 13, 2023 6:26 am
    awww c'monn~ everyone knows that all uke doesn't poop. their anus are always clean /j cheese

    thats plausible in yaoiverse sksk

    Phantom Thief November 21, 2023 2:59 pm

    He said it got dissolved there so it was a drug. Like a suppository.