the uke is a child paying for the sins of his father

lokifa November 11, 2023 6:27 pm

I don’t give a fuck about any of y’all saying he deserved all the shit that will happen to him later on, some y’all would justify anything for a sexy powerful seme

    Luluvroumette November 12, 2023 9:52 am

    What happen next ?!

    lokifa November 16, 2023 3:40 am
    What happen next ?! Luluvroumette


    Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-

    MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and thought that it was “consensual” and he gets super mad, and then when he manages to rescue the MC he rapes him in anger too (because he thought MC “cheated” on him)

    Lots of things happened afterwards, MC realise the debt he had was actually to ML (he’s been paying to ML, ML had kept him on debt partially because of what MC’s father did to him, which is kidnap him and threatened to kill him and also because he feels if there’s no debt then MC would leave him)

    Then some stuff happened and MC got shot in the lung and thrown in the ocean, he’s rescued by the ML but now he’s in poor health, his lungs never fully recovered, he’s more fragile

    Anyway in the end MC forgive ML, both admit that they love each other and they stay together

    The ending is not too bad, but I hated that the MC basically suffered so much and then got an injury for the rest of his life, like wtf would the author decide to let him suffer forever for what his father did, the ML loves the MC but it’s like he doesn’t know exactly what a piece of shit he was, he’s the reason why the MC had to sell himself in the first place, cause of the debt, and the injury was also ML’s fault, it’s literally all his fault and yet he lives happily ever after with the love of his life, while the person he loved suffered like HELL in his hands and has fragile health forever. 5.5/10 stars

    Luluvroumette November 16, 2023 7:51 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Thank but WTF the end seem kinda not interesting...

    Majesty November 21, 2023 1:53 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Did the seme not even apologize? and did he find out that the uke didn't cheat but was actually rap3d?

    Ichigo November 21, 2023 9:25 pm
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    it's the most infuriating when characters don't even acknowledge or apologize for their wrongdoings, but still claim to "love" the person and get their happy ending anyways. I'm already foaming in the mouth with rage right now... what a piece of shit!

    Kitty March 10, 2024 11:13 am
    SPOILER ......SPOILER .......Only a mild spoiler, but just didn’t wanna spoil the exact story like others-MC will get taken and fucked by a bad dude, it’s recorded on video, the ML will see the video and th... lokifa

    Do you have the link for the novel?