
SadeReader November 11, 2023 12:44 pm

This is starting to look like straight up sexual harassment. Like babe, it's enough now.
I get that it's supposed to be funny, but I keep reversing the roles in my mind and it does NOT look good. It's not giving femdom, it's giving greasy old man vibes
Anyways, think I might drop.

    Rosella_Rose♡ November 11, 2023 12:55 pm

    First chapter was very funny but when she straight up mentioned his privates so regularly it truly made me feel uncomfortable and think about what everyone would think if the roles were reversed. It truly is seggual harassment. But they make it seem ok just cause the guy has a crush on her which is absurd

    SkipBeat December 18, 2023 2:44 am
    First chapter was very funny but when she straight up mentioned his privates so regularly it truly made me feel uncomfortable and think about what everyone would think if the roles were reversed. It truly is se... Rosella_Rose♡

    Yup reversed it could be weird, but let's not forget men worship their willies, so if a woman keeps telling a guy how beautiful his willy is, I'm sure most guys would be dancing on clouds, being so happy and shit.