that min is annoying btw i need spoiler

the077 November 10, 2023 11:05 am

that min is annoying btw i need spoiler

    Heblepoiji November 10, 2023 11:16 am

    He dies :3

    the077 November 10, 2023 11:20 am

    no i mean woo shinjae what happened after he got stabbed?

    Kewpie November 10, 2023 11:31 am

    Min will die anyway. Mc will be traumatized from that domain. I’ve read this a long time ago so from what I remembered. The group will start to have a fall out bec of MC. I mean before when they had multiple guides they didn’t even care, and just do whatever they want with them. ML will be gone on a trip, the guy who wears gloves or the guy who doesn’t like people touching will have sex with MC. The calling card from the other guild will be found out by the blonde guy who has telekinesis power, and also that guy who can transform to animals will also fond out about it, and they think mc betrayed them by going to another guild. They will punish him and 3 some gonaa happen again. Like double penetration level. The whole Erehwon?! Not sure name of the no.1 guild will fall bec of an attack from the MC’s brother. Yes, MC’s brother will turn into a big giant octopus or something like that. Lol.