Hey shippers can we not?? Please.

Corpse 。MIKU 。 November 10, 2023 4:25 am

Hey shippers can we not?? Please.

    yan1☆ November 10, 2023 5:17 am

    Fr lmaoo like I know how u feel but please take it to ao3 or something

    Heizou is a genius November 10, 2023 3:08 pm

    Excuse me but this is a public comment section, people are allowed to comment whatever they want, if it bother that much then don't read them

    Corpse 。MIKU 。 November 10, 2023 5:18 pm
    Excuse me but this is a public comment section, people are allowed to comment whatever they want, if it bother that much then don't read them Heizou is a genius

    This is a public comment section as you said and I have the right to ask nicely for you people to stop if you don’t ignore it. People like you are annoying cuz you don’t even realize how hypocritical your statements are and you act holier than thou about it because it’s a public space. This is a public space meaning there are different people here and I just so happen to be the type of person that find you shippers annoying with you shipping underaged, brothers (in the found family sense). They will never think of each other more than siblings so if you’re not going to stop at least choose something that’s not incest

    Corpse 。MIKU 。 November 10, 2023 5:20 pm
    Fr lmaoo like I know how u feel but please take it to ao3 or something yan1☆

    No cuz I wouldn’t care if it was like Twitter or one of the romance stories on here but they always do it on the stories with no romance and with characters who are either siblings or best friends like damn can a bitch just be a sibling or a friend