Same, the art is good at making the characters look attractive and the design choices while strange (and very inconsistent for the era that’s being portrayed) do work the story is a little idk… meh you’re right about the plot holes but the emperor has been borderline useless to the point that she looks better with the servant but I always enjoy stories with fl’s putting bitches in their place and this one is even sweeter with how she’s so freaking crazy, just burning the hell out of anyone who gets in her way so while not that good the story is my guilty pleasure
This is a really weird manhwa for me because objectively speaking everyone is freaking crazy, the body proportions are weird, there's are some really silly and avoidable plotholes (like the latest plot arc) and a lot of characters could be replaced by objects and you wouldn't really alter the plot (Sadly, the treatment given to Sang). But somehow I still like it and can't wait for the next episodes. Also, the emperor is somehow really hot(? Not overly dorito like. I wouldn't touch this bundle of red flags with a stick mind you. But he is hot.