yeah because you were telling someone what to do and what not to, thats not opinion, and i dont think its about bearing something, its literally rape happening in the manhwa and they are complaining, btw the author wrote such character on purpose so he gets this much hate, so the hate is valid. if you are not hating jaekyung, your either into rape or just blind

Weird how the topic changed into Jaekyung…umm
It's advice. You take it or leave it.
“Stop reading it if you hate it” is advice, it's not a command. They are complaining and then what?? Is this the first time yaoi is having SA? The complaints are in vain and it gets more annoying because everyone is here for the entertainment, so why do you keep pointing out the obvious? No one accepts the abusive relationship but everyone is looking forward to how things are gonna go. Hate is valid? Then what? Does the hate get the author banned? Girl is literally making cash and you're here doing what? Reading and hating her story from an illegal site…such audacity.
Liking Jk does not equal supporting his abusive actions. Are you okay?? Where's that logic coming from?

yeah, its an unwanted advice, maybe you should mind your own buisness, and they all complain whenever there is rape used as a means for story progression, and liking jk is supporting his actions tf is wrong with you.
hating on author does no shit, thats what the author wants anyway, thats why they are hating a character, who is fiction, who is raping someone, yeah okay cool everyone knows its obvious, and majority are reading it for the redemption arc anyway like bj alex, but when he is legit raping someone, we cant even complain adn hate him? should we just be like "hmm he is getting raped, cool cant wait for the next chapter", the author wrote him in a such a way that all readers would hate him

@Salvation omg thanks for blocking me!! Yes get out of my life. Here's my speech for anyone who cares to see.
Why is your answer residing only on Jaekyung?
It is unwanted advice but it's necessary bro, judging from all the comments so far. People are bringing people's lives into this. You have no point there lmao. Liking Jk does NOT mean they support his actions! Jesus…who told you that? Some might like him for his looks, some might like him because he's admirable in the career aspect. It doesn't mean they support his abusive actions stfu who taught you that?? Why would you assume such a disgusting thing? It's just like you saying you like doja cat but you don't like how she dresses or her aesthetic, you only like her for her songs, her confidence and her smile.
If rape is used as a story’s progression, so what? Get over it or get out. You're ruining the story for others(not me though cause I actually find y'all hilarious lol) Fiction is introduced in a sense where we can see things that don't usually happen irl. Many readers are tired of fluff… that's why we're here. We prefer toxic relationships and if that's not your cup of tea, then omg sorry but you can use the door. Complaining just shows how uninterested and unsatisfied you are. Although, curiosity counts, many don't want to admit it, they choose to hate.
Stop comparing this to Bj Alex!!! Mingwa never promised us anything. This is a different story entirely. Tf??
My point here is, I only said if I see any comments of anyone displaying their hate and complaints, I'll just assume them to be a troll. Why do you want to start an unhealthy argument between us? Maybe you're a troll yourself? Anyway, I hope we read this to the end! Mingwa’s making a lotta moneyyyyy….

I wish you great courage to speak up with these people, you'll need a lot.
Some don't know how to interact other than being rude or throwing insults and ridicule, while advocacing for the anti-rape - on a smut, controversial yaoi. There are a lot of minors who read these toxic yaoi and some even more hardcore contents but do the justiciers on the comment sections, teaching the adults what they can read or not, what is good or right... It is like they excavate every popular yaoi to post their shit so they can spread their hate/frustration and get the intention they lack in their life. What a pathetic and petty mindset.
If they dislike Jinx that much, they should act like me: fuck off and go read something else that suits better their tastes.
It's impossible to read something decent on this comment or avoid abusing words while you just passing by to see how things go
If I see one more comment saying they hate this so much or complaining nonstop about mingwa when nothing can be done, I’ll just assume you’re a troll because what???
Why must you afflict yourself to this extent? Or should Jinx readers recommend you some that might fit your preference or they should all write an email to mingwa about what you're complaining about? What do you want other jinx readers to do when you share a topic on how you hate so much??? And yet they start throwing tantrums when we tell them to stop reading it, it's just advice bro...not that deep.