Yeah I totally understood that, But for people that don't analyze the nonexistent plot, its just a bunch of no name people, raping a no name person, for no reason. I think the author was trying to be clever but in all honesty it was a subpar execution of the message and it just seems like they glorified the rape rather than shaming it by making it 3 whole chapters of only rape?
idk if this came out right, im not good with words, but y'know.
I don't mind the graphic display, but personally I'd like to see a revenge story. It could start this way, then show MC taking revenge. It would need to be a series though, and this was not the premisse of this story, unfortunately. I can agree this is a smutfest, what I dot understand is why people read smut and complain about the smut. And it was pretry clear it involved rape. So they sat there and read all three episodes and then won't shut up about it on the comment section, like, you knew what you were getting into, so why all the theater play pretending to be so triggered and complain there's only smut?
Bro, no one said it was surprising. I read the manhwa and said my opinion??? All I said was it was shit, there was no plot. The reason I read all 3 episodes was because I thought there would be more than baseless rape?? Im alr used to the constant rape in bl, just like most of the other people on the website. All I want is a story with, you guessed it, a fucking story. So surprising isn't it? Wanting to read a story that actually involves having a story? And imagine shaming people for not liking constant rape and rightfully sharing their opinion about it?? A lil weird tbh...
woah... at the very least add lil plot so the rape doesn't just come out of nowhere??? its bad enough that its rape... but I just opened the manwha and was bombarded with a bunch of rape with no explanation as to why, how, and who the fuck these people even are? 0/5...why????