Really, those who complain are blind asf, it is even said in the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER, THAT XL BEAUTY IS A GIFT TO THE XIANLE KINGDOM LIKE TF?? If people talk to me like this I aint talking to them, read your facts and novels guys, just be grateful we got this manhua adapted while some other manhua's don't get adapted, BE FUCKING GRATEFUL, UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS if not, eat dogshit

I remember on Pinterest people complained about the hyper realistic food in the scene when they were eating in the ghost realm. And lots of people complained about hua cheng’s proportions when he was at an angle and sitting down. (The complaint on HC sitting down and being viewed at an angle was stupid imo then again I took a few art classes so I guess it helped me understand pov a bit more)

I bought mine (the Ebook is super cheap, the official translation has 7 books already, and you get really pretty pictures to go with it) but you can download the full PDF online
The full fan translation by Suika (@YummySuika) is very accurate, i can’t seem to link that here, just search up Heavens Official Blessing PDF (download the one by Suika)
This site looks accurate too:
But I recommend getting the novel if you can, it’s very affordable and worth it, especially since it’s like nearly two thousand pages, so each page is barely 1 cent- the author really feeds the readers well-
I’ve just finished reading the scumbag novel too, which is her earlier works (but heavens blessing is definitely top tier, most romantic & intensely riveting story she’s written so far) but scumbag is super smutty towards the end, so that’s fun
For those complaining on the differences story wise; I understand what you mean and I get it, I’d like more scenes depicting key moments too, but you can’t seriously expect them to draw & explain exactly what happens in so few chapters- the novels had THOUSANDS of pages, intricate and in depth explanations. It’s impossible.
Even so, STARember brings life to so many scenes, the level of detail to nearly each moment is cinematic.
For those complaining about their LOOKS, y’all need to chill the fuck out and stop shitting on STARember-
Everyone was depicted well, EVEN swole hua cheng- y’all make it seem like she went off the rails with his depiction but I’ve read the novel TWICE and there was never a moment where his true form was described as thin and gangly OR swole. Literally it’s only :
“skin as white as snow” and that he was much taller than Xie Lian, that XL “has to stretch his neck in order to see him” the (SPOILER) coffin scene XL had described HC’s body as being large and hard, so all we know is he’s got a strong af body. Everything else is up to the reader to imagine.
Also Xie Lian was described as “handsome young, slender man who looks around 17 years old with dark, kind eyes” so wtf are y’all shaming his delicate features for?!!!
STARember didn’t “uke-ify” him, he’s literally known as the The Flower-Crowned Martial God; Sword in one hand, flower in the other. his beauty was as legendary as his sword skills, its a literal FACT.
Anyway the novel is up to your imaginations, I’m not discrediting any of y’all headcanons, but this STARembers depiction, (which the author fucking LOVED btw) and it’s beautiful, stop trying to gaslight people into thinking she didn’t do any justice to the characters when she absolutely did.