okay yeah i get that, but it still shouldnt be a fantasy it dont make no sense, rape is wrong and horrible. a kink can also work without consent no?? majority of manwhas follow the route of rape, and by that they experiment their kinks on the other individual, thats kink but its not consensual - so what would that fall under exactly?? it doesnt make sense. rape fantasy shouldnt be a thing, the crime novels and serial murder plots you mentioned are very different to this - studying criminology might have a take on this, looking for ideas to base a novel for eg around this might have a take on this. however, you never know. it could lead people do to this. it INFLUENCES them if their mentality is corrupt, and so rape is just as easy - thus, you’re saying rape is a kink. by that person exploring their ‘darkest and most deprived desires’ are wrong, especially if this goes alongside with the rape topic we are on. it motivates them to do it, it influences them to do it. if YOU are so annoyed by what others are saying, then why dont YOU just take the cue to leave - its clear, many dont go along you’re opinion. so, seriously, stop whining.

Did I speak about the author?
I'm talking about the tags that are misleading. Though, to be fair, not only the tags are misleading but the context is also, because the bottom here was harshly beaten, then raped by two guys. One can see the whole situation as just porn, though we can't prevent others to think there is something more to the "plot" than just plain porn, therefore many are disappointed. If it was just "rape play" and clearly displayed as such without all the beating etc, then people won't complain so much.

Uh, do you know what hypersexuality is? If you actually have hypersexuality then why are you here? You said you receive help in real life so why are you trying to use BL fiction to get over your trauma?
Hypersexuality isn’t healthy and is recommended to be treated through therapy, not through reading fiction.

I'm saying that really, it's different. Personally, I'm sex repulsed. I hate the idea of vaginal penetration and it makes things different. Really, I'm pointing out the flaws of your argument. ;;
I'm getting help, and seeing sex is helping. Again, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. It doesn't matter what I do. ;;
I hope I make sense, since this topic is sensitive and I may be misunderstanding you. But again, rape shouldn't be a fatansy.

Hi, everyone can have a say and an opinion. Just like you having the freedom to type whatever u just said. You shouldn't judge others that they're "crybaby" readers. We can read it out of curiosity despite the TWs, but end up hating it. For example, manhwas like killing stalking, is one of those dark BLs that has a "good" story and plot. This however does not have, or at least so far. Hence some people saying it is bad and that it shouldn't all be just rape, it's understandable. The art style potential is wasted. It seems that your mindset is pretty dark, and i'm blatantly saying this, but you haven't been raped, have you? Please be mindful of your words, as it can hurt others, fiction or reality. Also, rape being perceived as a fantasy to you, you surely must be educated

Rape is not a kink. Is kink the only words in your dictionary? Kinks are consensual to both parties so rape fantasy doesn't fall under the category.
Try looking up kinks, paraphilias, fantasies and coercion. Maybe you'll learn something.
Fantasies don't equate to kinks. They're two separate things.
And you commented on my thread, I merely posted the initial thread to make fun of the people who complained about sexual assault when it clearly states there's sexual assault. If that triggered you to comment, that's a you problem. There's no point in me leaving because I for one actually enjoy the series as is while people who don't like it can leave and read something rhet actually enjoy.

"fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" you saying this while the chapter is clearly depicting assault and rape as some sort of kink just says so much about how chronically online you are
the authors way of using "rape" for a plot with actual story/meaning is okay but guessing from those who read the raws there's no plot to this so of course people would hate it and rant about it, its basic common sense which I can clearly and safely state that you lack
"fiction is a safe space to explore kinks or whatnot" while it shows actual rape not as a kink but a crime... what a fucking incel you are

Have u ever heard WORDS CAN HURT??? Your arguement SOUNDS SO LIKE I'M DEADASS FLABBERGASTED SOMEONE LIK U EXIST OMG. Does HER WORDS hurt others? No. SHE'S TRYING TO GET HELP FROM BEING RAPED THROUGH VARIOUS METHODS. As a rape victim, OR EVEN A NORMAL HUMAN,seeing someone ignorant like you arguing about "how people are such strawberries and arguing about the rape scenes when there is TWs" IS JUST INSANEEEE..... i get it, it's not reality. THE WAY U JUDGE OTHERS FOR HAVING MORALS. PLEASE. LMFAO. shows how nonsensical u are and how twisted u are. Get help. stop being ignorant and STOP BEING SO DEFENSIVE LMFAO. Are u a kid? Learn to GROW UP and realise your opinion is judged WAY MORE than our logical opinions. If everyone is commenting and judging you, maybe you're the problem.

It's like I'm taking to minors that can't differentiate between what's real and what's not. God God.
BL is a legit safe way to explore what people don't want to act out in reality. This can be a kink or fantasy. Rape isn't a kink, how do you people not understand this?
Fiction allows authors to express interest in other forms of being dominated while still having the power to "stop" it or say "no"--that is, by putting the book down and knowing you're not in any real danger. Just look at romance novels in general, which like BL, is mainly a community for straight women. Obviously no one wants that to happen to them in real life, but self-insert fiction.
Enjoying stories like this where it's just porn is a valid and safe form of sexuality for many people to explore.
Chapter 1: Literally has a trigger warning and explicitly states it's fiction, not reality. Has the word "Assault" in the title.
Crybaby Readers: Waaaah why is there rape!!!! Why do I have to subject myself to this! It's the authors fault for making me read this. They should make a story with consensual sex just for me!
God, entitled readers that whine about rape are so annoying. They think it's their job to police the content that authors create and publish instead of curating the things they choose to consume. If you don't like rape, why the fuck would you read it? Fiction is a safe space to explore kinks and whatnot.