Chapter 1: Literally has a trigger warning and explicitly states it's fiction, not reality...

Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:05 pm

Chapter 1: Literally has a trigger warning and explicitly states it's fiction, not reality. Has the word "Assault" in the title.

Crybaby Readers: Waaaah why is there rape!!!! Why do I have to subject myself to this! It's the authors fault for making me read this. They should make a story with consensual sex just for me!

God, entitled readers that whine about rape are so annoying. They think it's their job to police the content that authors create and publish instead of curating the things they choose to consume. If you don't like rape, why the fuck would you read it? Fiction is a safe space to explore kinks and whatnot.

    HELPMELMAO November 7, 2023 2:14 pm

    hold up, you saying rape is a kink?? non-consensual intercourse.. is a kink?? brother i get your point, but you wordin it hella wrong, or was this your intention? get yo shit straight man

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:18 pm

    Rape shouldn't be a kink ;;, unless you're talking about CNC, which is totally different than rape. ;; I understand your point really well don't get me wrong! I was seriously hoping this story would be realistic with the portrayal of rape to help me personally, cope.

    I really think this is a misunderstanding. ;;

    ~ Urah

    toilet terrorist November 7, 2023 2:37 pm

    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:40 pm

    It's not wrong to look for realistic portrayal but trying to look for that in fiction is the issue. Especially if it's obvious there is rape but the only criticism readers in this site that are commenting on is that why does it have rape or the author should go to jail. Fiction is not real. Non-fiction is. If you want a realistic portrayal, try documentaries.

    And no rape isn't a kink, it's a fantasy. There's a difference.

    A kink, as extreme at it could be, is always consensual. Meaning that it needs 2 people with their full mental capacity intact, wanting to do it, and capable of understanding everything they are doing, possible consequences, aware of the legality of the practice they are performing.

    A fantasy is a desire or even only imagination that arouses you, that one can be willing perform, or just stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, even more, even disliking it in reality (rape fantasy, for example)

    That's why it annoys the hell out of me when I see authors insulted in the comments. What’s so wrong for people to explore their darkest and most deprived desires in a safe and consensual environment? That's what fiction is for. People like crime novels and serial murder plots, doesn’t mean they’ll go out and kill someone. It really is just exploring different situations and context with no harm to anyone else. 

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:44 pm
    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind toilet terrorist

    I'm sorry, what? They did they? That story was trash, and clearly shows the authors health going downhill ;;

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:45 pm
    The sadistic beauty defender is talking im now deaf and blind toilet terrorist

    Oh, you weren't blind before commenting? I thought you were already blind considering you missed the trigger warning.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    It's not wrong to look for realistic portrayal but trying to look for that in fiction is the issue. Especially if it's obvious there is rape but the only criticism readers in this site that are commenting on is... Tenmanyashiki

    People are allowed to comment on things, also. Don't tell me how to cope, ;; I use fiction over nonfiction for a multiple of reasons. As long as I'm not hurting anyone finding realistic portrayals of CSA/Rape in fiction. It exists, I know it does.

    And honestly, people fantasies of rape are weird and they NEED help. It's not good, and it's fun. It's not something sexy.

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 2:47 pm
    hold up, you saying rape is a kink?? non-consensual intercourse.. is a kink?? brother i get your point, but you wordin it hella wrong, or was this your intention? get yo shit straight man HELPMELMAO

    No? Rape isn't a kink, it's a fantasy. There's a difference.

    A kink, as extreme at it could be, is always consensual. Meaning that it needs 2 people with their full mental capacity intact, wanting to do it, and capable of understanding everything they are doing, possible consequences, aware of the legality of the practice they are performing.

    A fantasy is a desire or even only imagination that arouses you, that one can be willing perform, or just stay as a fantasy without intention of doing it, even more, even disliking it in reality (rape fantasy, for example)

    That's why it annoys the hell out of me when I see authors insulted in the comments. What’s so wrong for people to explore their darkest and most deprived desires in a safe and consensual environment? That's what fiction is for. People like crime novels and serial murder plots, doesn’t mean they’ll go out and kill someone. It really is just exploring different situations and context with no harm to anyone else.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:00 pm
    People are allowed to comment on things, also. Don't tell me how to cope, ;; I use fiction over nonfiction for a multiple of reasons. As long as I'm not hurting anyone finding realistic portrayals of CSA/Rape i... Kspacesystem

    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but commenting on a story that specifically states there is sexual assault and then complaining why there is serial assault is stupid as fuck. I mean, you do you. If you want to comment looking like an idiot with a broken record, go right ahead.

    And well, some people find it arousing. That's why there are rape themes in porn, novels, manga, etc. You may find it weird but others see it differently. At the end of the day, it's only a fantasy depicted in fiction so it's not real.

    Honestly, you're the weird one trying to enforce your "poetic justice" on others and saying they need "help" when it doesn't affect you or hurt you in any way. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy in a safe environment. It's not like the author forced you to read their manga.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:03 pm
    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but comme... Tenmanyashiki

    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;

    People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact of Rape, it's just so far a terrible story.

    ~ Urah

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:21 pm
    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact ... Kspacesystem

    I'm really sorry that you went through such tragic experience, I hope one day you'll overcome this.
    Though I understand your disappointment, I don't think this one is the kind to show a realistic portrayal of rape and rape survivors. It's just smut with rape and assault to thiken a bit this plotless porn.

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:26 pm
    Not stopping from people from commenting but venting and making fun of how annoying it is when other people are trying to enjoy the manga as it. I wouldn't mind so much if it was actual valid critism, but comme... Tenmanyashiki

    It's clear that there're warnings etc, though you can't dismiss the fact there are also the tags "psychological" and "drama", which can be misleading for the readers, who may expect something more than just porn and smut.
    After all, the premise and context of the rape makes us think he'll do domething following the agression, but clearly he did nothing.
    It's clear for me that this manhwa is just porn material, therefore these 2 tags have nothing to do here.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:27 pm
    It's not that, it's just I've been raped. I know what it is like. It's not something to be a fatansy. ;;People are allowed to complain, because admittedly this story is dry and terrible. It's not just the fact ... Kspacesystem

    Yeah okay suuuuure, you were raped. I'll take your word for it I guess.

    So if you were really raped, why are you reading a story on sexual assault in the first place when you know what its like? Why would you read past the trigger warnings? Why would you look for a way to cope with your real life trauma with fiction? Why not get actual help in real life?

    Also, I think you’re equivocating here and it makes dissimilar things look similar. (Sexual fantasies about rape* =/= fantasizing about committing rape)

    You said you were raped but that doesn't mean people should stop having it as a fantasy when it's their own pleasure in the first place. They have no relation to you whatsoever. If it hurts you so much to read or hear about it, then stop reading stories on sexual assault?

    Look at the majority of the content section and what half of the complaints are. It's literally all about them commenting on rape as a them. Those comments sort of feels like eating a steak and getting mad that it tastes like steak. There are multiple trigger warnings given by the author and translator.

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:32 pm
    Yeah okay suuuuure, you were raped. I'll take your word for it I guess.So if you were really raped, why are you reading a story on sexual assault in the first place when you know what its like? Why would you re... Tenmanyashiki

    If you don't believe that's fine ;; but I assure you, I was. Why would I lie? I do get help in real life and a lot of them do understand how I cope? Honestly, the reason I look for realistic portrayals is to hopefully understand what happened to me, and not make it out as a my fault thing. If that explains it. ;; my main issue is thinking I caused it, and reading stories with realistic portrayals makes me understand no. ;; thats why I, myself look for realistic portrayals.

    What people do in their bedroom is one thing, but I don't like the idea of sexualization of rape. As again, it's it something to be wished, it's traumatizing and terrible. I do know why people wish it, besides the lack of control. But I don't want people to think that rape is something to want.

    ~ Urah

    Kspacesystem November 7, 2023 3:33 pm
    I'm really sorry that you went through such tragic experience, I hope one day you'll overcome this.Though I understand your disappointment, I don't think this one is the kind to show a realistic portrayal of ra... MangaSanctuary

    I agree, ;; it seems to be just a rape fantasy.

    ~ Urah

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 3:40 pm
    It's clear that there're warnings etc, though you can't dismiss the fact there are also the tags "psychological" and "drama", which can be misleading for the readers, who may expect something more than just por... MangaSanctuary

    You're reading on a site that allows uploaders to manually edit the tags. The official site doesn't have these tags included whatsoever.

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:44 pm
    I agree, ;; it seems to be just a rape fantasy.~ Urah Kspacesystem

    it'd be much better for the BL Yaoi genre and for readers if we have stories with a more realistic portrayal of that subject; how victims are fighting and overcoming their trauma..., but infortunately Yaoi isn't the best place for that, as you know. Stories are very unrealistic and most of the time it's just porn or romanticized rape :/

    MangaSanctuary November 7, 2023 3:46 pm
    You're reading on a site that allows uploaders to manually edit the tags. The official site doesn't have these tags included whatsoever. Tenmanyashiki

    That doesn't change the fact that these tags are here; are misleading the readers. Btw not everyone will check the official version or whatever.
    It's perfectly clear for me that this one is just porn material, though others may think otherwise.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:09 pm
    If you don't believe that's fine ;; but I assure you, I was. Why would I lie? I do get help in real life and a lot of them do understand how I cope? Honestly, the reason I look for realistic portrayals is to ho... Kspacesystem

    Well, the fact that you're saying "I assure you I was raped" like it's some badge and then going off on how you're seeking out validation in fiction to get over your trauma is a dead giveaway. You're saying it's a terrible thing that happened to you yet you're still going out of your way to read someone getting raped. This series being a prime example.

    And again, rape is a fantasy that some people just have, as in its imaginary, not something they're going to act upon it. If you're not old enough to understand rape in fiction doesn't equate to reality then you're not old enough to read the material in the first place considering it's an actual crime.

    Tenmanyashiki November 7, 2023 4:10 pm
    That doesn't change the fact that these tags are here; are misleading the readers. Btw not everyone will check the official version or whatever.It's perfectly clear for me that this one is just porn material, t... MangaSanctuary

    So it's not on the author? Yet a majority of the comments are saying it is and thats my complaint. I don't deny its just porn, that's why I'm reading it.