Random Internet Explorer November 7, 2023 1:47 pm

Omg I'm so sad that that's it anyways, beautiful story, 10/10 FL & ML and I loved their relationship, how it progressed and the fact that there were NO DUMB MISSUNDERSTANDINGS. Like there were so many opportunities where the author could've put in the typical bs misunderstandings for drama but they didn't so I'm truly grateful.

But I also feel like the ending was a bit rushed and I have a few unanswered questions like, what happened to the red king and duke rimon? What abt that double agent knight that fl had? Did he continue serving her or..? What happened with the Iron king and his wife? All good things, I'm assuming, and then also does the Iron kings uncle end up plotting schemes and things and if not, why? Like his burning desire for revenge was crazy so I find it kinda strange how he just seems to have given up.

ALSO, HOT TAKE BUT...I honestly don't hate the Red King. Like I get that she is the villain in this whole narrative and is depicted as some super evil, heartless schemer, but I kind of sympathise with her. I just feel like yeah, she was manipulative and a bit mentally unwell but she did truly love her daughter and most (??) of the actions she did were probably out of some twisted sense of love that she had. And I feel like that's not completely her fault especially since that's the kind of environment where she was raised and (especially in this story that so heavily highlights the impact of one's surroundings, growing up, on who you become) she was put into a situation where she had to be perfect, stop her position from being taken away, being used by everyone including her own family, and only having her daughter as someone who would genuinely appreciate her. And I feel like she did all of what she did because she probably wanted to be needed and loved by her daughter which she would have seen as her only genuine "belonging" and in order to express her love, she was obsessive over giving Sienna the throne which she believed would be the most perfect position. But I also acknowledged that another factor for her obsession with the throne could be her own greed and the actions that she took and the mind games she played with fl were fucked up which is why I think the way in which fl cut her off was good and I also wished that somewhere in the conclusion they might have been able to reconcile but I just can't seem to hate the Red King of.
