Please, for the love of God, if you're going to illustrate a story about winged characters...

VultureButts November 7, 2023 1:43 pm

Please, for the love of God, if you're going to illustrate a story about winged characters- LEARN HOW TO DRAW WINGS. The mops all of these characters have on their backs are awful. Nevermind the shoddy pacing, those fucking wings are so distracting. There are so so so many guides out there on how to construct a feathered wing correctly. It's REALLY not that hard.

    Xcalibur November 7, 2023 1:44 pm

    you do it then

    Dnghkq_ November 7, 2023 1:48 pm
    you do it then Xcalibur

    Con November 7, 2023 1:55 pm

    As a fan of wings, it's not that bad tbh. I've seen waaaaay worse

    User_10712015 November 7, 2023 2:21 pm

    It might be easy for you but not for everyone. Just try your best to ignore to wings if it distract you. It won't be that hard for you since you easily ignored all the hard work of the author and artist.

    VultureButts November 7, 2023 2:24 pm
    VultureButts November 7, 2023 2:29 pm
    It might be easy for you but not for everyone. Just try your best to ignore to wings if it distract you. It won't be that hard for you since you easily ignored all the hard work of the author and artist. User_10712015

    I'm not "ignoring" anything. I think the lack of attention to details is an insult to an otherwise good story. Wings obviously play a very important role in the culture of the race, and I'm of the opinion that if that's the case they should be given appropriate care in how they're drawn.

    User_10712015 November 7, 2023 2:31 pm
    I'm not "ignoring" anything. I think the lack of attention to details is an insult to an otherwise good story. Wings obviously play a very important role in the culture of the race, and I'm of the opinion that ... VultureButts

    If you really meant so, then the way you expressed it is completely wrong.

    Howishi November 7, 2023 3:01 pm

    Actually I think it's just alright it's not bad it's a little messy but it can still be improved when time passes and we are still in chapter 18 their is a lot of Artist improve their Technique and drawing styles after of some chapters, and it's a bit rude the way you say it it's so disrespectful not only for the artist but also to us that like his/her work.I get the point that the wings plays a very important role for the story so they did draw it as best as they can and it's not like your the one doing it,if you are also an artist who draws then do you get the point that it's not easy to draw specially things that needs to be detailed and their also need to do the backgrounds colors and many more so how the heck you tell them to "LEARN HOW TO DRAW WINGS" THEY FUCKING LEARN IT OK?!THEY NOT JUST DRAW IT OUT OF THEIR IMAGINATION LIKE ITS NOTHING THEY ALSO LOOK FOR AND SEARCH FOR THINGS THAT CAN BE USED AS THEIR BASIS AND IF YOU DONT LIKE THEIR STYLE THEN DROP IT THEY ARE NOT AT LOSS IF YOU DIDNT READ THEIR STORY JUST GO FIND ANOTHER WINGED STORY THAT CAN PLEASED YOUR PERFECTIONIST ASS ok that' all.

    User_10712015 November 7, 2023 3:41 pm
    Actually I think it's just alright it's not bad it's a little messy but it can still be improved when time passes and we are still in chapter 18 their is a lot of Artist improve their Technique and drawing styl... Howishi

    You ROCK!!!!!

    Dnghkq_ November 7, 2023 4:31 pm
    sure VultureButts

    I dont seem much difference. I think both look fine.

    CathyBLover November 7, 2023 5:21 pm

    I think they are pretty! They just constantly defy the laws of physics and natural movement and shorten and lenghten at will, but otherwise nice

    Eggu_chan November 8, 2023 1:20 am
    sure VultureButts

    Now do this consistently while also drawing bi-weekly serialized chapter release, maintaining the quality of everything else like anatomy, character experessions, poses, foreground, background, colours, shading, panel layouts, etc.

    I've seen sloppily drawn lazy webtoons, this isn't one of those. Like i get the story is sloppy as hell(manwha did novel plot dirty) but the art isn't the same. So far it has remained consistent.

    Xcalibur November 8, 2023 2:19 am
    sure VultureButts

    not bad, now do this in serialization. draw a whole fckn story, make it that you're actually better than the artist.

    VultureButts November 8, 2023 4:34 am
    Now do this consistently while also drawing bi-weekly serialized chapter release, maintaining the quality of everything else like anatomy, character experessions, poses, foreground, background, colours, shading... Eggu_chan

    There are plenty of ways to stylize and simplify birdy wings without drawing them like boneless feather dusters slapped onto a character's back like a cheap Halloween costume. If anything, knowing how they work makes it *easier* to do just that! That is why seeing mop wings is so frustrating.

    I don't believe that the issue here is the time constraint- on the contrary, it's pretty clear to me that the illustrator dedicated quite a bit of time to rendering the wings. The problem is that, on a fundamental level, they simply do not know what a wing looks like. There are tons of simple guides out there, and even learning just the bare minimum about how feathers layer makes a *massive* difference.

    Squidlifecrisis did a great little guide on some common mistakes with drawing winged people-
    The very first example they've got here of "what not to do" is pretty much exactly what's going on in this series lmao.

    At the end of the day I think a lot of folks just fail to think about wings as proper limbs, and in doing so they wind up missing out on so much potential for interesting new body language & social interactions with winged characters.

    VultureButts November 8, 2023 4:37 am
    not bad, now do this in serialization. draw a whole fckn story, make it that you're actually better than the artist. Xcalibur

    I mean, I already do illustration work and graphic design full time. With (gasp!) ~deadlines~!! Oooo. With that said, if you want anything more than a five minute doodle from me, it'll cost you. My rates start at $30/hr

    Xcalibur November 8, 2023 12:54 pm
    I mean, I already do illustration work and graphic design full time. With (gasp!) ~deadlines~!! Oooo. With that said, if you want anything more than a five minute doodle from me, it'll cost you. My rates start ... VultureButts

    not interested, I'd rather have this "poorly illustrated" toon as you've phrase, than supporting a narcissistic artists like you.

    Xcalibur November 8, 2023 12:59 pm
    I mean, I already do illustration work and graphic design full time. With (gasp!) ~deadlines~!! Oooo. With that said, if you want anything more than a five minute doodle from me, it'll cost you. My rates start ... VultureButts

    you've hustle hard with your art, but your poor attitude drove your prospect customers. remind me your alias again, so I'd skip your arts if i see one.

    User_10712015 November 8, 2023 12:59 pm
    I mean, I already do illustration work and graphic design full time. With (gasp!) ~deadlines~!! Oooo. With that said, if you want anything more than a five minute doodle from me, it'll cost you. My rates start ... VultureButts

    Then as an artist, don't you think what you said in the first comment is way too harsh?

    Xcalibur November 8, 2023 1:02 pm
    Then as an artist, don't you think what you said in the first comment is way too harsh? User_10712015

    he/she dont, narcissistic people are way too insensitive to think something like that.

    Xcalibur November 8, 2023 1:06 pm

    jesus, its not that hard to keep your harsh comment to yourself.