That makes sense that it was a novel and they're cutting things out for this. It seems like it's well thought out, but not enough info is given to the reader. It sucks when adaptations skip or miss out on important things cause those who've never read or watched the original works would be confused.

Exactly! They're removing so many things and changing others that at this point I consider this a new work based on the novel rather than an adaptation of it. I think if they wanna do this, they should do properly. For instance, a big change is that in the main novel there's no sex scene, only in the extras, so the last 3 chapters content is all created for the manhwa.
(Chapter 18) I don't know if it's because I'm tired but here's my thoughts after reading this. I'm really confused? The pacing feels off and I guess everything feels off. I'm so confused I don't even know what to rate this story so far. Personally, I hated all the non-con so I'm not sure if I'll continue this story.