Red district arc: This is the first arc we just read, its about how everything started with Leah looking for a prostitute. She needed to lose her virginity because she won’t allow herself to be sold just like that, of course she is expecting to be killed afterward but she no longer cares and she just wished to vanished. The prostitute itself was Ishakan but it is later revealed he knew she was looking for a male prostitute so he pretended to be one. Ishakan didn’t knew she was not a virgin so when he found out he start connecting the dots and then she finally admit she just wished to die. Leah doesn’t know he is the Kurkan King
Kurkans arriving the palace: Leah received the Kurkans and Ishakan introduced himself formally as the king of Kurkans. Leah was shocked but had to act like she didn’t knew him. Ishakan kiss her hand and bite it lol and of course Blain noticed something was going on and tried to grabbed Leah and put her behind him. The dat After this, Leah would go to the garden and Ishakan would be there too. He is very clingy btw and likes to tease Leah but even though she tries to pretend she hates in she admits she feels comfortable with him. Ishakan will tell Leah to speak comfortably with him when its at least the two of the. Also, Ishakan is quick to notice how much weight she has lost and he is not happy with it. Eventually blain founds them and drags Leah away of Ishakan. He humiliates her and slaps her reminding her she belongs to Estia. At night Ishakan will be in a tree outside Leah rooms, throwing rocks trying to gain her attention, after this he wil ask her why hasn’t she asked him for help (he knows she is being mistreated and control by the royal family). He takes her outside the palace without anyone knowing and shows her the market and have a pleasant time but they found tomaries (gypsies) and of course everything became tensed. Tomaries naturally fled but there was also Leah Fiancee, Byun Gyonbaek. Ishakan will cover Leah with a hood and Byun would try to mock Ishakan so a fight happened but Ishakan literally destroyed each and everyone of them without using a sword. The next day a ball was held and Byun approached Leah for a dance but Ishakan took the first dance leaving Byun and also Blain in a very sour mood. After this, Byun would call for Leah and drugs her, trying to rape hr claiming he needed to make sure she was still “pure”, she fought back but the intense aphrodisiac was working but thankfully daddy Ishakan was nearby and realized the situation, he grabbed her and hold her, he even said that if he could killed Byun in which she said no so Ishakan will tell her how Kurkans are not very patients… but anyways he took her away. Leah and Ishakan have sex in the garden while Byun was getting beaten by Ishakan subordinates. After this, Byun was under magic done by a Kurkan and he doesn’t remember who hurt him so a rumor spread he was so drunk that he fell and broke his legs (lol). There will be a lunch for the Estian royalty and the Kurkans so Ishakan send a purple dress to Leah. This is important because purple clothing is super hard to find and only royal has it but because of Leah useless family and how to royal family has been really bad at managing stuff (aside from Leah she is the only one working hard). Ishakan gifted her this but she couldn't wear it so she wore something else. Ishakan escort her to the lunch (he is really clingy haha but in the good way) when they arrived the queen was wearing the dress Ishakan gifted to Leah. At lunch Ishakan will throw wine to her and express she looks horrendous with that dress and does not suit her.

Slave auction: Leah has being working behind the scenes to free slaves. The only people who knows this are her close comrades with are her ladies who help her in the castle and the financial count. Ishakan was also trying to free the slaves but there was always someone ahead of him, this was Leah but he didn’t knew that and thought she was a slave trader getting her hands on the Kurkan slaves. Leah will go the auction house and a wig and a mask so no one will recognized her. Ishakan will put a knife on her neck but then he realized who she was so they went to a separate room where she explained everything which he found amusing that all this time it was her. He sat her on his laps and after their talk he mention that today was a full moon and just in that moment Ishakans subordinates (Genin and Haban) arrived. I forgot to mention but Leah already met both Genin and Haban. Genin she met the day after they had sex in the garden because Ishakan took his room so in the morning Genin brought her food and they bonded (Genin is a women and has a human mate). Leah met Haban when Ishakan took her outside the palace. Anyways, Genin will ask Leah what they were talking and Leah mentioned something about a full moon? Instantly Genin hold Leah behind her, this because a full moon indicates rut in some Kurkans depending on their beast lineage so Genin was geniully trying to protect Leah from Ishakan lol she said she better not try doing it in a full moon because she might not be able to sustain it. After this convo they would parter up to free the slaves. There was a moment where one of the slave traders wanted to see Leahs face and instantly Leah called for Ishakan and he appeared and killed the man, he told her again that Kurkans are not patient and that he was holding himself because he wanted to kill everyone who got near Leah that night. After this, Genin and Haban will free the other slaves and killed the slave traders while Ishakan and Leah will be looking for a slave who has in a different area because he was too aggressive. Leah freed him and he tried to attack her but Ishakan hit him to fell unconscious. In this moment they were alone and Ishakan was getting unsettled, this because of the full moon so Leah thought that since he helped her when she was under the aphrodisiac then she should help him now so they had sex there lol and oh boy but yeah. After this Ishakan will take care of her afterwards. Genin will ask him if he impregnate her, this because for Kurkans to have children a specific ritual must go through but he didn’t do it. Haban and Genin were really worried for Leah hahaha.

The hunting arc:
Right in this moment Leah is becoming more and more interested in Ishakan and it is considering asking him for help and running away with him (he has been telling non stop to run away with him). Blain literally forces Leah to gift him a handkerchief for the hunting tournament but she didn’t want it to do so sho she just grabbed the plainest handkerchief she had. Buuuut Leah did some embroidery to another handkerchief hoping she could gift it to Ishakan. The tournament started and she was hoping to gift it to Ishakan but she was scared of Cerdina seeing her so she just left to her tent and then Ishakan came and told her “You have something for me?” He knew she was trying to give him the handkerchief. The hunting started and Ishakan told Morga (a Kurkan magician and the one that found out the queen is Tomarie) to take a look over Leah because Isahakan had his suspects she was brainwashed too. Morga was lookin out for her from far and yup, Leah has being brainwashed but every time Ishakan is near her the symptoms of the brainwashing slowly fades away; this because Isahakan has ancient lineage which gives him immunity to spells. Inside the hunt Ishakan and Blain would have a vocal altercation because Ishakan is fed up with him treating Leah so bad so basically blain before told Ishakan to not covet others people things but Ihsakan in the hunt finally gave him an answer telling him that he was wrong because Leah was a person not an object and how is it coveting if Leah has never consider blain an option? Blain goes crazy and points an arrow to Ishakan face but of course this is nothing for him, Blain shoots but misses and then Ishakan said “this is self defense” and broke Blains arm. Before this Blain realizes that Ishakan had a handkerchief and he knew who gave it to him. Ishekan took the handkerchief that Blain got from Leah making sure he doesn’t have anything that she made.

Before The kidnapping: I forgot to mention in the hunting arc but in the hunt It was the first time that Ishakan admit his love to Leah so yeah important detail. Moving on, before the kidnaping Leah its getting more serious about leaving with Ishakan. Ishakan starts to explain how beautiful is the desert. Ishakan also figures out with his magician (Morga) why does Leah has a dependency to Estia and her desire to die. Leah has being brainwashed by the queen since she was a kid and somehow Leahs subconscious is trying to get rid of the brainwashed by dying. After the hunt Ishakan will go to Leahs room, she will be worried for her shoulder and also for the alliance that the Kurkans and Estia were working with. Ishakan will tell Leah to officially become her fiannce, he will tell her how everyone will respect her and how beautiful the dessert is. In this moment Leah will recognized her feelings for Ishakan but deep down she is still attached to Estia. Ishakan will kind of snapped and tell her is he has never question her crazy obsession with Estia (the brainwash, Leah still doesn’t know that Cerdina has being brainwashing her all this time), because of this she will go through horrible pain. Ishakan will even blame himself saying how he should have find her sooner. Ishakan will tease Leah trying to appease the tension before telling her if she is sure she will not miss him which she answers “make me….make me do it. During the day and during the night make me miss you” (internally screams) so yeah they fuck haah. After this Ishakan will say “Say I kidnapped you and made you suffer..." He breathed fiercely, his golden eyes gazing at her. "That the King of the Kurkan carried out a Bride Kidnapping... and that he forced you to become engaged. You, just, you blame me for everything..." Ishakan kissed her as she squirmed. "You don't have to take responsibility for anything, Leah.” Now here is the thing, Ishakan knows Leah wants to go with him and that she likes him (I mean is pretty fucking obvious) so he will constantly tell her she is not good at lying. Behind the scenes….Blain will tell Cerdina he likes Leah, he doesn’t want to only own her, he wants her heart (EW) He tells Cerdina he will become king but only if Leah becomes his. Now, Cerdina has the power to know when someone is slipping from her brain wash so she already knew Leah was slipping from her. Cerdina will visit Leah and this time was very straightforward, showing her her power and skills making her go through pain telling her she belongs to Estia and to never change that. Cerdina will show how she is able to control her and if she ever wanted to, she could make Leah killed Ishakan. Because of this Incident, Leah will back off with her ideals of leaving with Ishakan. Now, deep down Leah is always saying “save me Ishakan”, “I like you”, “I wanna run away with you” but because of Cerdinas power over her she can’t vocalize it. There will be a small discussion between Leah and Ishakan because Leah is trying to push him away trying to protect him but of course he will not back off, he even said “I will make you talking to me like the princess of Estia” and then he leaves. What Leah and the readers don’t know haha is that plan A) Was Leah agreeing to go with him B) Bride kidnapping. He was never going to leave her.
If you have seen me before in other manhwas comment section you know what is coming…..big ass spoilers. So before giving the spoilers I would like to point out that this is a long ass novel (364 chapters in total, 64 chapters being side stories). I also would like to point out that even though this is a long story there is no miscommunications between the main leads; their love is so fucking pure and genuine (he fell first). Now before the spoilers here are some important facts you need to know. Is very important to know that in this story there are 3 races: Humans, Kurkans and Tomaris:
Kurkans: are the strongest race here but people treat them ase savages and barbarians but in reality people are scared of them and envy their power. They have human appearance but they have animal instincts, this because a long time ago their blood was mixed with beast so kurkans are divided by clans or tribes depending of their animal lineage (Snake, cat, wolf etc…). Because of this the Kurkans have mates so some of them react heavily to a full moon and go through a Rut. Because Kurkans where created by magic they have some limitations, for example; when they come to the moment to go through adulthood they need a ceremony to do so
Tomaris: are what we would call as gypsies. Most of them are sorcerers and they don’t get along with the Kurkans. This because long time ago the tomaries wanted to have their own kingdom but because they were nomads they didn’t have the strength so with their magic they created the Kurkans. The Kurkans were mistreated and eventually rebelled. Not all tomaries are bad, in fact they are divided by two terms: Toma and Tomaries. Toma being the group of people who are not into the dark arts of magic and Tomaries being the problematic ones.
Character index:
Leah (Princess of Estia): she is a beautiful women that its consider to be the most important royal in Estia. Not only she is so pretty but super smart and hard worker, as a matter of fact, she is actually the one who manages the whole administration in the palace and in Estia… this because her father the king, her step mother and step brother are useless. She has strong allies but not strong enough to overtake her stepmother. She a strong advocate against slavery and constantly working behind the scenes too eradicate it (that is who she met Ishakan).
Ishakan / “Isha” (King of the kurkans): He met Leah a long time ago but because of a serie of circumstances Leah lost a lot of her memories (I will explain this later). He was a slave in Estia but was saved by Leah when they were teenagers. He has golden eyes which is a characteristic feature of ancient Kurkans who are inmune to spells. Isha claimed his throne by killing the previous king who was a tyrant and would seen half breed Kurkans because he believed in “pure blood”. Isha claimed his position as king and his named was added with the “kan”. The Kurkans respect him and love him. He is a great leader. Also, he has wolf lineage in him.
Blain (Prince of Estia): if you hated any male character you have not met this motherfucker yet let me tell you. His is the heir of the throne but he holds no responsibility, Leah does everything the heir is supposed to be done. He is pampered by the queen and has a horrible personality and character. But he is obsessed with Leah…like crazy, sexual obsessed. He has an inferiority complex with Leah so he developed to feelings, love and hate so he became obsessed with her. He believes he will now her as soon as he becomes king (fucking sick bastard). Now biggie spoiler but he is not Leah brother, he is not even the kings son so yeah he has to change his hair color because he has originally blonde hair but he uses potion to change it to silver which is the color of royalty.
Cerdina (The queen): another piece of shit. She is a horrible human being and controls Leah in every way possible (inferiority complex as well). She controls Leahs food making her have a eating disorder. She also manipulates her telling her how much she loves her and she must obey her mother but in reality is not true and she only wants to control Leah. Big spoiler but she has Tomarie blood so she is a powerful sorcerers who has being brain washing everyone including the king. She is crazy for power and even eats human hearts because this gives her power.