Ofc you're one of the entitled readers that think it's your job to police the content other authors create and publish instead of curating the things that you choose to consume.
I can't believe I actually have to type this. There is a difference between fantasy and reality. If you want to read bring "serious topics" go watch a documentary or something.
BL is a legit safe way to explore that kink or other forms of being dominated while still having the power to "stop" it or say "no"--that is, by putting the book down and knowing you're not in any real danger. Also rape is definitely a fetish thing retard. How old are you that you don't know this? Just look at romance novels in general, which like BL, is mainly a community for straight women. Obviously no one wants that to happen to them in real life, but self-insert fiction.
Not only are you worse than a fucking weirdo trying to kink shame others for enjoying it, you're an actual retard. Reading BL is a safe place for exploring kinks and fetishes in fiction. It' s a valid and safe form of sexuality for many people, particularly women, to explore. Don't like? Then don't read.

STOP URE REALLLYY THINKING RAPE IS A FETISH GOODBYYEEE AND YOU'RE SHAMING PPL FOR HAVING MORALSGO GET SOME HELP PLS. I get your point but people can read it out of curiosity and also hate it??

U are so pathetic..it’s sad..I'm guessing it’s safe to assume ur a young girl who doesn’t know shit about morals and doesn’t know what a ACTUAL kink and fetish is. What makes rape in bl or ANY type of book, show
, comic, etc. that and you say a slur? Yea ur the actual weirdo here
That isn’t developed well and handled with care is insulting to the victims of ACTUAL rape. Let me educate ur dumbass rq sense ur so deep in ur nonsense that u refuse to see the truth about what u said is wrong and fucking disgusting.
Let me start with this I know the difference between fiction and reality! Do you though? Seems like u don’t, See I know where that “Fiction and reality” line crosses into bad territory! See this...This is one of them. Rape, Sa, let’s see what else?.. Abuse, suicide Etc. in books should still be handled with care NO MATTER IF IT IS FICTION OR NOT! Because guess what? It’s very much real and it very much traumatizes people to the point of killing themselves or harming others! It should not be romanticized by weird bitches online like u and these authors! Yk what we call those? Fetishers. Disgusting bitches who need to rot! And u just so happen to fit into said category! You and all the authors who add these themes to their stories without backing it up with actual plot and just use it as smut! But I’ll explain why later!
Second topic!! Let me ask u a question rq Do you know why people get arrested for having child corn on their devices? Even if it’s just a drawing of a fictional character? Think about that for a second! Now let me tell u about an incident that happened maybe in 2020? 2022? Sometime not to long ago, a anime character from a show died in the manga. It was a fan favorite, the character, And yk what people did once they found out? They killed themselves. Yep they took their own life because a fictional character ended up dead in the manga! Fiction has an impact on real life things/People! Done thinking about the question I asked you? Here let me give u the answer! Because those people, those adults with the pictures are most likely pedos irl! They could read shota porn, they can draw it, they can write it; they can even hold those pictures in their computer but can still be arrested and not be trusted around children because that is pedo material, because they are most likely to actually be pedos irl. What u read, what u defend, What u say can really speak VOLUMES about you! (Not comparing this, nor what u said to pedos just merely giving an example to back up my claim)
ah also i can be 6 for all u know but STILL have more knowledge than u on this which is sad actually but my age ain’t important! Just know this, Without reality fiction would be a nothing! Fiction can only exist with reality, with morals, because humans made it. Because humans use Real life day to day things, events facts etc. To make fiction just know that
Rape is not a kink/fetish, it should NOT be a kink or a fetish! It should not be romanticized by weirdos like u and this author. U can add it to a story, u can add a lot things to a story! But serious shit like this? Should not be added without reason, without claim! Without impact!! I cant believe i ACTUALLY have to say all this just to get it in ur thick disgusting skull! If rape is ur kink then u need help
Phewww that was spicyyy. Can't wait for the next update.