my grievances

☆〜(ゝ。∂) November 5, 2023 8:59 pm

one, the whole plot and main couple's relationship is centered around an obscure, trashy porn plot which i cannot stand.
two, the hairstylist is shady as hell and looks at the mc as an object, sexually and non sexually. ofc hes gonna go through some character development but to be frank, its just jarring to see these types of tropes.
three, i understand the appeal of a character that is clumsy and slightly aloof but imo its so overdone/ done wrong in this manhwa. the mc dead needs to grow up because theres a point it starts to become unenjoyable. its childish
four, i miss the mcs long hair
five, popular opinion but woori is the better option as a boyfriend. hes a cutie and actually has a likeable personality unlike the ml who doesnt even really have redeeming qualities minus his looks.
six, i want woori and the famous guy to at least be a side couple so i can forget about the mcs and read about woori and the famous guy's relationship. ik they would look bomb tgt.
