Still gonna continue reading so I can feel something :)

Kaito.Hat November 5, 2023 6:22 am

I thought I'd give this a reread for old times sake, but wow, I totally forgot how fucking stressful the earlier chapters of this manga were. I do remember their relationship gets better in later chapters, but I don't blame anyone for dropping this early on. Kyouta is so scummy lmfao. Literally turns their entire class against her, physically assaults her, and sexually assaults her on more than one occasion. He manipulates her into falling for him, and literally throws?? her?? on?? the?? ground when?? she?? confesses?? to?? him??? And of course he has mommy issues! Of course he would use said mommy issues to justify his shitty behaviour towards women. Tatertots would love this man!!
