Wow ok 100 years of raising his own bride

RenRen November 5, 2023 5:31 am

So the kid was a sacrifice from feudal time to the forest god, look at his clothes in chapter 1. Then the clothes started to modernize, signaling decades changing. The Wolf god fell in love, but he wanted the boy to be free and have a normal life one day, so he raised him and protected until the time is “right”, but the time was never right. Look at the newspapers flashbacks in chapter 6, world war and such, wolf god wanted to keep the boy from harm so he could never let him go. The boy probably realized at some point that quite some time has passed but living with the wolf god is exactly what he wished for, he didn’t mind if the two of them were together for eternity. Last chapter was wolf man first and last effort to let the boy go, which he did, experiencing society and growing up and aging normally, but this time he chose to come back.
I think it’s beautiful. I understand the mixed opinions about grooming and what not, but I don’t view this story that way. Wolf god kept him a child and raised him innocently for 100+ years, it didn’t turn into desire until the boy started to reach maturity despite aging much more slowly. That’s when the wolf god let him go, hoping he’d make his own choices even if it’s not with him.
