Ok so first the former BF and serial abuser of Siwoo’s best friend resurfaces then his l...

Eldraco November 4, 2023 8:55 pm

Ok so first the former BF and serial abuser of Siwoo’s best friend resurfaces then his livelihood/bar gets threatened further, his young employees and now his family…..but at the same token he’s expected to what? Want to fuck nicely Dohyeok and say thank you I love you for coercing and financially/mentally abusing me?

Dohyeok told him to fuck him so he’s just giving him what he asked for, if he wants love then he has to give it. Siwoo is in self-defense mode just because someone is a top doesn’t mean they can’t be raped he in this situation hasn’t been truly given the option to say NO because Dohyeok keeps threatening him.

Dohyeok is quite literally creating this whole situation. His PTSD is valid and what happened to him is terrible (something Siwoo has shown to be concerned about) but it doesn’t absolve him of being the active aggressor creating this volatile environment.

I believe he want to be loved and loved specifically by Siwoo. I think he feels safer with him not to mention their sexual chemistry. But every time an opportunity arises to be a real person and try to actually talk he starts his machinations to manipulate.

I am miffed how some readers can read this and say they are both totally in the wrong. Both have done wrong things but only one party is at the center of creating this scenario and that’s Dohyeok. Regardless of his inner feelings it doesn’t give him carte Blanche to force his whims on Siwoo who by all accounts is just trying to protect himself and now his loved ones from ruin.

I hope Dohyeok for his own sake really start to analyze his pattern of behavior…and he better pray Siwoo is crazy enough to forgive him for his fuckery.

    Cyxx November 4, 2023 10:42 pm

    Nah cuz srsly I’ve been reading the comments and I’m like????

    Woomb November 4, 2023 11:24 pm

    I feel like they skipped the main story and just went straight for the side one lmao, calling that bastard things like "my dohyeok" or "my poor baby" after what he put Suha through.
    Like you can feel sorry for what happened to him, it's literally normal, no one deserves that, not even a trash like him, but don't start trying to excuse his shitty personality and him threatening the livelihood of someone's family just coz he's in a bad mood with that #-.-)

    Woomb November 4, 2023 11:26 pm

    Also to the people disliking that post I genuinely want yall to speak up and explain what kind of other excuses do you have to make that red head look like a victim lol