I've been reading it for so long idec anymore

i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 4, 2023 8:24 pm

this one always goes on hiatus whenever the writer runs out of plot to pull out of their ass it seems. ik this is very disrespectful of me, but frankly, dragging a story just for views is even more pathetic. just end it. just give the uke one happy day and end this.

    Hoshi November 4, 2023 10:17 pm

    I hate hiatus too. But from the beginning of season 2 the author only had 2. One week for the Chinese holiday or something like that and 2 weeks for health issues. The English translation hiatus has nothing to do with the author since the Korean version has been released according to the schedule.

    saratoga November 4, 2023 11:39 pm

    stfu. the author was sick for the last two weeks and the next chapter is already out. you come onto this site to read it for free, calling someone pathetic when you're reading their work for free is ridiculous. you're an entitled roach.

    Nanayurina (novel writer) November 4, 2023 11:40 pm

    That's rude because it's English translation that is on hiatus and not the author bruh even if it's really the author on hiatus, everyone should give a person some break. Drawing ain't easy and quick like you imagine, even if you hate it, it's the truth that you have to accept.

    Aki November 5, 2023 1:43 am

    Word!!!!!!! Op

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 3:58 am
    stfu. the author was sick for the last two weeks and the next chapter is already out. you come onto this site to read it for free, calling someone pathetic when you're reading their work for free is ridiculous.... saratoga

    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale af plot. no way can that be defended

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 8:29 am
    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale ... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself.

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 8:55 am
    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself. bbyeol

    bro.... look at the like ratio. where do u think the majority is. and im not the one calling YOU a roach am i. why engage with me if you don't like what i have to say?

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 9:01 am
    bro.... look at the like ratio. where do u think the majority is. and im not the one calling YOU a roach am i. why engage with me if you don't like what i have to say? i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    All the comments replied to your comment are all disagree. I'm I wrong? You're so rude and don't even know that lol

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 9:09 am
    All the comments replied to your comment are all disagree. I'm I wrong? You're so rude and don't even know that lol bbyeol

    LMFAO are you 5 years old or what. like you said, why engage if you don't like it, right? i cannot care less about the comments, unless one of them called me a roach for having an opinion. up until now, I'm not the one calling you names. your hypocrisy is so bright the sun looks dimmer. pls block me and move on with ur life. also, not everyone in the comments is disagreeing with me, if we are going to be that cherry-picky

    bbyeol November 5, 2023 9:17 am
    LMFAO are you 5 years old or what. like you said, why engage if you don't like it, right? i cannot care less about the comments, unless one of them called me a roach for having an opinion. up until now, I'm not... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    5 years old is you who called other people and their story pathetic lol and yes, thanks for your suggestion to block you, will do it.

    Shoujo November 5, 2023 10:07 am

    I gotta agree with the others, this kind of comment is atrocious. A lot of manhwa authors get overworked because they need to pump out a new chapter every week.

    They're also not getting a single dime here, considering we are all reading this FOR FREE on this website.

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun November 5, 2023 3:25 pm

    again, your opinion is as valid as mine. thank god at least you aren't rude about it, i appreciate that

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:44 pm
    whoa there did i insult your family or smth? chill out bro. if we go on that tangent you are also being kinda rude calling me a roach and stuff. also ok ill take back my hiatus comment but what about the stale ... i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    I'm being rude because you're a entitled piece of garbage, you don't deserve respect when you show zero respect for the author. Stale plot can't be defended? STFU, you are reading this author's work for free, she does not owe you shit. You admitted that you're aware that you're disrespecting the author in your own comment.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:46 pm
    again, your opinion is as valid as mine. thank god at least you aren't rude about it, i appreciate that i’m sorry hanguang-jun

    lol entitled people like you are hilarious, you go around being disrespectful but expect and demand respect from other people. Hypocritical garbage.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 4:50 pm
    EASY.. If you don't like it, just drop it. Why complain? They aren't writing the story just for you and only you to read. And if the majority disagrees with your comment, you should reflect on yourself. bbyeol

    This commenter is so full of herself, look at her demanding respect from us when she shows zero respect for the author while reading the author's work for free.

    Aki November 5, 2023 4:59 pm

    Yall do realize that ppl can bash on artists work.U rly think that u got some right of opinion if u only use money. Stupid as hell.Like……. this manhwa is wack asf im just staying for the art.

    saratoga November 5, 2023 7:29 pm
    Yall do realize that ppl can bash on artists work.U rly think that u got some right of opinion if u only use money. Stupid as hell.Like……. this manhwa is wack asf im just staying for the art. Aki

    You're a waste of oxygen. You can not like the story but then stop fucking reading it and complaining when you're not paying a dime to author. You can have an opinion but being disrespectful to the author makes you an entitled piece of trash. Entitled pieces of trash like are always so self-important.

    Aki November 5, 2023 8:08 pm

    Crazy as btch rly went to comment on my other comments. Damn MAJOR red flag.

    Hoshi November 5, 2023 8:32 pm

    Guys please calm the f down. They took back their comment on hiatus and I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love this manhwa and reread it several times though I can't say it has the greatest plot. I'm grateful to the author for creating such amazing characters and beautiful art style. We should know how much mental and physical strength it takes to put out a decent piece of entertainment every week.

    Aki November 5, 2023 8:38 pm

    Some ppl just attacking others for having a diff opinion on the story and somehow take it as a personal attack to the author nd themselves. ¯_(ツ)_/¯