
Gone before turning 31 November 4, 2023 8:21 am

who are those people?

    zinsilly November 5, 2023 7:20 am

    i think they are the umes. The opposing side of the battle are the umes and just like they're are rules they're negotiators that ignore the rules. That's how i think the rule/ume move was able to assert his power making sick move even though chiharu ability unmove was in effect. My theory is when luna said she made a bet on the humans and when the sun god bet that rules will prosper both the gods equipped the teams with a round table and arch. They are in a game made by the gods and will battle it out till one side takes victory or the gods are defeated. Even when springs love for humans was very clear the sun god was able to take control of springs mind and have him fight against the union. Maybe fuuko can get the both the rules and negotiators to challenge the gods control together and coexists in the eventual future