I guess that could be pretty true if this website was accessible to adults only, but I'm pretty sure there are adolescents and even younger people here who may misrepresent the dangers of toxic relationships due to accumulated reading on unrealistic stories. So some comments underlining those discourses may be helpful

Because soft porn like these are read by impressionable younger folks who don't understand that age of consent is not morally on the same ground as fucking a child under 18. I'm not generalizing everyone but there's nothing to be gained from negatively criticizing garbage works like these that portray harmful relationships that might skew someones view of relationships. It's not that unusual. There's no sort of achievement or social following on this site to gain from "performative activism". People can complain about shit that's playing into a disgusting societal narrative. Ignore it if you think it's useless.

These type of works aren’t meant for ‘impressionable’ people. ITS PORN. Yaoi is not meant for young people. If you want somth sweet n wholesome and have a plot, read shounen ai or smth. This is why we dont leave kids in their own devices in the internet and see shtty works like this. It’s not good.
And i think bean is talking about people who came here and reads then complains how bad it was. It’s not just from this manga, this applies to others as well. But you knew what sort of trash you were getting into from the cover alone. You knew what you were getting into from the summary. So??
And i swear, some (not all) people be saying ‘im so sick of rape in mangas’ but proceeds to read stuff like jinx or some alphaxomega shts where the uke goes into heat and the alpha loses his marbles. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

I never said yaoi was meant for younger people, just that younger people do read it. These genres appeal to younger people who want to self insert or just see hot men (same with Shoujo).
How come y'all don't take your own advice and leave people alone who complain about these works? I legit don't understand how bringing awareness to a rapey piece of work is still something you people are unsatisfied with, even though it's a good thing. It means authors can look at community feedback and actually seek to improve their deranged writing.
Also who the hell judges man(ga/hwa/hua) by their cover picture? No one knows what they get into before reading it.

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ i am a person who reads trash knowing its trash and complaint about how trash it is, already so i wont ignore u really...but, hope you follow ur own advice and stop reading the comments section henceforth coz aint no way you didn't realise beforehand that the comments will be full of complaint after reading that rapeshittrash etc...like...just saying, you knew what u were getting into.

https://www.mtv.com/news/b7ckck/japanese-comics-with-gay-themes-attracting-young-female-readers and this is just one article.
I started reading yaoi at 15 and I'm now in my late 20s. It's really not that unusual. You can't control what kids see over the internet. A lot of them are curious about porn.
And to lastly add, ya'll ever heard of criticism? Bad works get negative feedback. Just as it should be.

Facts my bro, there lil kids on this page with shitty parents who dont look after them so they the go into porn and shit.
+ Aint nobody reading them "terms and conditions" type of descriptions and tags, all the people on here are most of the time "fuck around and find out" type of ppl and some bls start sweet then the author adds some rape to it for no reason, ofc ppl gonna complaint. Jinx literally has no rape or psychological tag or anything. Lil kids or some really fuked women then it's cute. Ppl who Complaint >>>>> the no brainers. (I will excuse the men who read it lol)

Oh i totally agree that constructive criticism is a must to improve. But you gotta admit some criticism from fujoshis or fudanshis are unreasonable. Not constructive at all.
They only focus on one flaw and never as a whole.
The seme is this the uke is that, but what about their growth in the story? Some tend to ignore that and trash the story. Smtimes even the author.
Now im not saying “say only good things”, im saying this to those people who hate unreasonably, complain but then eat the same things up.
Maybe the reason why this is popular is because we want to see a red turn to green? A lot are a sucker for the concept of “i can change him”? Maybe many like seeing the chasing arc?
And also, a negative comment here wont serve as a moral compass for those folks. They learn it themselves. May be from their home or school. Not in the comment section of this sort of platform.
People in their right like you, will say “this is not right” and not be affected. but I dont think there’s anything u can do about those with twisted way of thinking and do this anyway despite knowing otherwise.
Honestly what are ya’ll even doing here if that thing’s so terrible to you? Like?? I get the whole not normalizing rape and stuff discourse but what do you even wish to accomplish protesting in a site where most content is just nasty porn anyway? Nobody’s here to be virtuous. Everybody’s got their own kinks, and ain’t nobody with two braincells stupid enough to be morally influenced by 2D lines if they’re not a weirdo to begin with.