
D3vilsD3vil November 3, 2023 1:43 pm

I’m not sure why people say he rapes him. Didn’t they make a deal at the start?? It’s not rape. He gave consent in the beginning didn’t he??

    Boiers November 3, 2023 1:49 pm

    If ur partner says stop at any point you should stop immediately no matter the situation. Although yes they're in a contract it doesn't give Jaekyung the right to just force himself on Dan, especially in the recent chapters where it looks like he's being extremely rough with Dan with little to no preparation

    D3vilsD3vil November 3, 2023 3:22 pm
    If ur partner says stop at any point you should stop immediately no matter the situation. Although yes they're in a contract it doesn't give Jaekyung the right to just force himself on Dan, especially in the re... Boiers

    But he knew what kind of person he was before making that sort of contract w him. Especially from their first time. He already had an idea of what he was like but still chose the money. He knew there would have been possibilities where situations like that could happen. And yes it would be understandable if it is his partner but he’s not. They’re strictly in a contract where he open his legs when he wants him to. In exchange for money.

    D3vilsD3vil November 3, 2023 3:28 pm
    If ur partner says stop at any point you should stop immediately no matter the situation. Although yes they're in a contract it doesn't give Jaekyung the right to just force himself on Dan, especially in the re... Boiers

    It’s final. Unless he leaves then it’s going to be like that. He knew and still stayed. Sorry but I don’t think u could just “stop” when there had been a deal made. He pays him nicely to let him basically do anything. And it was agreed on both sides

    Manhwaspicy November 3, 2023 3:31 pm
    But he knew what kind of person he was before making that sort of contract w him. Especially from their first time. He already had an idea of what he was like but still chose the money. He knew there would have... D3vilsD3vil

    Exactly, Dan even lied about being experienced leaving Jk with that impression. It's all on Dan and also during their first time, Jk told Dan to leave twice before he threatened him and he still stayed. He consented because of money. They are in a contractual relationship. Jk wants sex not rape. I admit he abuses Dan but there's no rape. Sexual assault would be the perfect term.

    Boiers November 4, 2023 10:41 am
    It’s final. Unless he leaves then it’s going to be like that. He knew and still stayed. Sorry but I don’t think u could just “stop” when there had been a deal made. He pays him nicely to let him basic... D3vilsD3vil

    Although yes Dan is also in the wrong for lying to Jaekyung about being experienced, your way of thinking that just because Dan is being paid to have sex it automatically doesn't make it rape/sexual assault, that's the same thing as saying that sex worker's being sexually assaulted by their clients shouldn't get to complain because it's their job. Also consent should be a continuous thing, idk bout you but I think that aspect should be obvious by now if ur an avid smut reader

    D3vilsD3vil November 5, 2023 2:23 pm
    Although yes Dan is also in the wrong for lying to Jaekyung about being experienced, your way of thinking that just because Dan is being paid to have sex it automatically doesn't make it rape/sexual assault, th... Boiers

    When u put it like that I guess. There’s some things I agree but also some things I don’t. Talking about the sex workers I have no sympathy for them if they do get sexually assaulted bc they get paid for that Shiz anyways. But I guess consent is something. I hate to admit but you’re right. But I’m still here for the rough jaekyung. Even if it is “rape”.

    D3vilsD3vil November 5, 2023 2:25 pm
    Although yes Dan is also in the wrong for lying to Jaekyung about being experienced, your way of thinking that just because Dan is being paid to have sex it automatically doesn't make it rape/sexual assault, th... Boiers

    Actually nvm. I stand by my word. I do agree w you but I still think I’m right. I don’t give a damn. He can leave whenever he wants but doesn’t. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Boiers November 5, 2023 10:16 pm
    When u put it like that I guess. There’s some things I agree but also some things I don’t. Talking about the sex workers I have no sympathy for them if they do get sexually assaulted bc they get paid for th... D3vilsD3vil


    Manhwaspicy November 5, 2023 11:02 pm
    Actually nvm. I stand by my word. I do agree w you but I still think I’m right. I don’t give a damn. He can leave whenever he wants but doesn’t. ( ̄へ ̄) D3vilsD3vil

    Exactly! Atp you can't even call the asshole a rapist. Everything Dan is getting is all on him broo. He chose what was better for him.