How does “you tried to save me” equals “someone DIDNT push me”? Where’s the logi...

trifectarian November 3, 2023 11:17 am

How does “you tried to save me” equals “someone DIDNT push me”? Where’s the logic

    TwistedCupid November 4, 2023 5:55 am

    Yeah I'm a little bit confused. I'm sure she meant to say, you try to save me? Like he did. He loves you and who's not seeing this? Also the desert island kind of fantasy? You know you know? You don't like those kinds of scenarios where you think, if I was stuck with him in a desert island and then la la. What happened and then Lala would you know you know? Oh my gosh this is so spicy

    Teeth November 8, 2023 9:42 pm

    something must've been lost in translation since that bubble would be more along the lines of, "Didn't someone push me?" i.e. if there was an attempt to rescue her immediately after she went overboard, someone must've seen the one who pushed her and if he didn't address it first then it implies they didn't see anyone or they didn't know she was pushed so she's reconfirming this