WTF WTF I'm so scared for Joon. Leave him alone you sick bastard 😭 please you're his on...

Anum.BS November 3, 2023 7:45 am

WTF WTF I'm so scared for Joon. Leave him alone you sick bastard please you're his only family left don't ruin this too.

When he said to Joon to sleep on the same bed I felt shivers... someone save him...

    Rayflo ಠ_ಠ November 3, 2023 10:00 am

    Yasss Preach like legit Joon just wants to have some happiness with the only family member he has left and was on the verge of tears when the brother said he won't leave him alone Joon thinking it's some sweet brother bonding but just for this mofo to come out with psychotic episode of you'll never leave me right :) ?? I wish we could frickin jump in and save Joon from all these psychos