Duke is already smitten with Layla

Rocky1 November 3, 2023 5:54 am

It’s interesting to see the Duke looking at Claudine’s hand while thinking of Layla. Duke ordering to have the canary sent to his bedroom is an analogy for Layla a bird with clipped wings who can’t fly (in her case run) far away from him. I know he doesn’t have her best interest at heart but I am hopeful he has character development throughout this story. He is handsome, charming, and has everything he has ever wanted in his world of nobility and luxury. He is probably use to having his way and possessing the things he likes. Layla is not a possession but I am sure he’ll treat her like one. I can tell he is red flag but innocent Layla will probably fall for him. Kyle is the better guy but girls in these types of stories always fall for the bad guy. I am looking forward to the next chapter. Wish this story would be uploaded more often.

    Honey___ November 7, 2023 8:07 am

    I agree with everything thing you say except for layla falling. She’s said herself she doesn’t like him and that he left a scar deeper than any she had received. However I also agree with your statement “girls in these types of stories always fall for the bad guy”, as it has been proven time and time again.