Obsessive guys turn me off so bad. But surprisingly the author managed to make me intrigue...

Haoruchan November 3, 2023 12:59 am

Obsessive guys turn me off so bad. But surprisingly the author managed to make me intrigued of the main couple in this story. FL is ,by no means, a strong FL in terms of strength and power. However, her awareness of the things around her astound me. Finally there're no more dumb-headed dense FL who don't see how twisted an obsessive and posessive guy is. Because if the reason he started to like you because you're "InTeREstinG", then the moment that you're not interesting is the moment he will cast you away lmao.

Also i love how they delve deeper into the dating game isekai trope. Most used it as plot device just as a foothold to enter the isekai genre. This one tho? Legit really explore the consequences and realities of this genre.

I had loved fantasy genre for so long and it's hard to find a really fantasy one. I've found so many that uses a fantasy genre but still uses modern logic or use the fantasy as a decoration (trying to make it quirky or something).

All in all, can't wait to see more!

    figgy November 6, 2023 12:33 pm

    I think this obsessive guy is so much better because he doesn't ignore her because of his obsession or get weirdly close/manipulative. He surprisingly respects her boundaries and opinions, actively communicates with her, and explains himself. it's so much better than "I love you, you're mine so I'm going to control you and everything about you sneakily while showing you only my sparkly side, here have all these things you didn't ask for or want regardless of if you feel burdened <3<3<3"

    Rarity November 29, 2023 6:42 pm
    I think this obsessive guy is so much better because he doesn't ignore her because of his obsession or get weirdly close/manipulative. He surprisingly respects her boundaries and opinions, actively communicates... figgy

    You are right, that why you can’t really hate him or love him, he’s not like the other obsessive evil MC’s we know he is just an excellent character