Ikr. The enemy threatened to kill Lene if Lambert refused to follow their scheme. It would be perfectly understandable for him to betray anyone because it's his sister's life on the line after all. They did not have to make it that Lambert romantically loved his sister for the betrayal to be justifiable. It was so unnecessary. It's honestly the only bad part of IFTV.

Ikr. The enemy threatened to kill Lene if Lambert refused to follow their scheme. It would be perfectly understandable for him to betray anyone because it's his sister's life on the line after all. They did not have to make it that Lambert romantically loved his sister for the betrayal to be justifiable. It was so unnecessary. It's honestly the only bad part of IFTV. ( ̄へ ̄)

in future chs (bc i still havent read passed 16-20 bc im still shocked) is there any of these… incest relationships ? I heard the one abt clarie AND HER COUSIN??? IM STILL SHOCKED ABOUT THAT… anyways, if there is more incest relationships then i might drop this series…. Incest for me is just a no Bueno for me, mainly because of personal issues xoxo
Am i the only one whos icked that lene n her brother are in a incest relationship ?? Like wdym “Forbidden love” nigga u siblings Hopefully there isnt that weird shit anymore in the recent chs, ヽ(`Д´)ノ