This is toxic as hell, i really dont like this. Jin ge (mls “lover”) is so toxic for h...

Venny November 2, 2023 1:30 pm

This is toxic as hell, i really dont like this. Jin ge (mls “lover”) is so toxic for him (yan yi) Jin ge needs so much improvement and im glad this is on-going but it annoys me so much?? Jin ge is selfish, possessive and greedy. Thats not love, hes impatient and he only ever reflects when the one he ‘loves’ most is almost giving up on him. He runs back when its convenient for HIM, but he doesn't look back at the fact he completely ABANDONED yi for months on end, calls when hes lonely saying to yi not to play around. Ofc yi would be mad, but until physical contact with jin ge hes suddenly not mad after HEALING. Yi is so very pathetic! hes physically able to fend for himself but not mentally, thats when jingtian was able to show yi yan his own self worth and thats all jingtian wanted, but yi yan can barely call jingtian his own friend. Its honestly so pathetic him and jin ge. Im so glad the second to last chapter jingtian talked some sense into jin ge cause ik i wouldnt finish this off at all. Jin ge really just reminds me of my ex with his selfishness and possessiveness.
