He Cheng couldn't bring himself to tie He Tian up properly that he only tied his thumbs, n...

Seto November 2, 2023 6:45 am

He Cheng couldn't bring himself to tie He Tian up properly that he only tied his thumbs, not his arms or legs He dotes on He Tian in his own way.

    Pyangpyang November 2, 2023 1:20 pm

    Omg! Didn't notice thaat!!!(☆▽☆)

    Cippycup November 3, 2023 12:37 am

    That’s actually a common way to detain people

    . ⸝⸝ Lizx ࿔ ࿐。࿔` November 3, 2023 2:26 am
    That’s actually a common way to detain people Cippycup

    Not common enough, like where have you seen that boi ☠

    Cippycup November 3, 2023 2:58 pm
    Not common enough, like where have you seen that boi ☠ . ⸝⸝ Lizx ࿔ ࿐。࿔`

    Cop things, like shows, I can’t recall exactly, but it was pretty common. Zip ties are easier and more discreet to carry around and less noisy than handcuffs, so they’re good for undercover.

    . ⸝⸝ Lizx ࿔ ࿐。࿔` November 9, 2023 12:26 am
    Cop things, like shows, I can’t recall exactly, but it was pretty common. Zip ties are easier and more discreet to carry around and less noisy than handcuffs, so they’re good for undercover. Cippycup

    Hm ig the more aggressive arrests call for cuffs