I'd say it's one of the few rare yaoi's where I'd recommend it, despite the rape.
But if you've been abused and raped, or very empathetic to it... I wouldn't recommend this.
It really is heartbreaking.
I almost cried a few times, and did cry towards the end.
I can't say more though, or it'll spoilt it.

I don’t think there’s much forgiveness he deserves. I mean I know he did all of that to save chi-hwan so that’s forgivable to me. But then going on to basically torture both chi-hwan and sooin? And then even after death, when he got what he wanted he again went after both of them? Nah he doesn’t deserve anything and I wish he had a more painful death
One of the only series where the violence is a genuine plot, but not for the main lovers.
I do wish there was more forgiveness for long-haired dude, and all he did to save his first and only love.
But I also think it makes sense for everything to have happened as it should have.
Minus possession.
Being jealous, controlling, obsessive, and possessive of someone isn't healthy; even if the other person "wants" that.