can someone explain the issue?

Enigma November 1, 2023 2:54 am

What were people complaining about that were too similar with other manhwas that the artist had to change. I'm it complaining but it is intriguing

    히히 November 1, 2023 3:39 am

    The artist was accused of tracing(?) panels from other manhwas because many found the scenes and character poses to be familiar. When the artist got called out, she initially denied it. But ultimately, the work got cancelled and both the artist and novel author had to apologise. Personally speaking, the novel author shouldn't have apologised because she didn't do anything wrong. But yeah, they both did and announced that they would find a new artist and remake the manhwa adaptation.

    Enigma November 1, 2023 4:54 am

    Oooooh! Okay yeah that's bad. I got confused because from the apology posts, I thought people just found scenes that were similar, not actual stills.

    Rakan-Otaku November 1, 2023 12:52 pm
    Oooooh! Okay yeah that's bad. I got confused because from the apology posts, I thought people just found scenes that were similar, not actual stills. Enigma

    If you are interested just google the title and 'tracing' and you find real good posts with clear examples of tracing. I even saw one example where they overlapped the panels and it was more than just referencing for poses... felt like complete copying it...