I see your point but it’s really a trauma response like the kids parents who doesn’t give them attention they either act out or the adopt a persona of perfection to get the validation/acceptance they once craved not to mention she’s not just doing it because she was belittled in the past she’s doing it so she can change the future she’s trying not to die again while struggling with the past trauma eventually she’ll grow and have a self realization but she’s not in a safe place with love and comfort for that to happen it’s like being in survival mode while wounded, you’ll do anything to survive, and you’ll do anything to make yourself feel better
i want to enjoy this more but i really dislike the fact that she feels she needs to prove herself… like what in the fucking world. Even her attitude in her past life, NONE of how she responded or acted alluded to her being a bad person working for the drug dealer faction to whatev, just a shy girl unfamiliar in a new space and yet she was met with contempt. like they can rlly all go fuck themselves i’m sorry !