Unpopular opinion

Kygnis October 31, 2023 7:49 pm

I'm sorry to say this but in my opinion, this series should've ended a long time ago. It could've simply wrapped up with Wolfgang and Shin's marriage. I'm not sure why it's still going and it feels like the author is just dragging the story out. Season 1 was already fantastic on its own, a masterpiece honestly. Season 2 was alright but this one...I'm not sure.

    star October 31, 2023 9:08 pm

    you’re so right, i actually stopped reading it a while back in like 2022 i think bc of how long it was but i planned to get back to it when it finished bc it’s so good, BUT ITS NEVER ENDING

    TheAlmightyFatHams October 31, 2023 10:01 pm

    Too many "life lesson" chapters that feels like fillers

    BoxyTrash October 31, 2023 11:23 pm

    I mean I personally don't mind, I think the author intended this to be more of a side story season abt the minor characters and worldbuilding, after all King's maker valued the plot + characters as much as it did the main romance, so it's imo not surprising it's taking such a slow approach to it

    I do kinda think it could have been put as a seperate named story tho because it is very different from the first 2 seasons

    jamie November 1, 2023 8:59 pm

    If the author was gonna give the side characters their own little stories they should do it after wrapping everything up with the main characters imo