just what im looking for! a nice quick read w a bit of melodrama but not getting too heavy w the feels. it ended quite surprisingly funny. I mean, look at baek lmao! he's actually just a weak twig w a horrible punching form
as for the ending, it felt more like it was a temporary happy ending. the "sister" even said the threads might snap one day and she'll still continue looking over him. it means this cycle will always repeat forever since mc is basically an immortal!
just what im looking for! a nice quick read w a bit of melodrama but not getting too heavy w the feels. it ended quite surprisingly funny. I mean, look at baek lmao! he's actually just a weak twig w a horrible punching form
as for the ending, it felt more like it was a temporary happy ending. the "sister" even said the threads might snap one day and she'll still continue looking over him. it means this cycle will always repeat forever since mc is basically an immortal!