Shui's husband correct? I dont believe he was abusing her. He was training her to take over after he was gone so it was a lot of pressure on her but he was a kind "father" to her while they were married.
I haven’t seen anyone explain how exactly johannis abused but I know that he abused till she doesn’t even have memories of the abuse and I think it’s also the reason why she sleepwalk
i think they only let at see the beginning of johannes abusing shuri and the rest is history since jeremy have the report/files of her being abuse by his father
Shui's husband correct?I dont believe he was abusing her.He was training her to take over after he was gone so it was a lot of pressure on her but he was a kind "father" to her while they were married. Vicki
Nahh he was abusing her. The story will cover it on the following chapters
So was Johannis abusing her? And how exactly? That part was really short and vage