This is the story of an unfortunate omega teaching a kid violin. Unfortunately, the teache...

Gravenshi November 5, 2023 4:46 pm

This is the story of an unfortunate omega teaching a kid violin. Unfortunately, the teacher is faced with his heat and the struggle of dealing with omega discrimination and the inaptitude which comes along. The teacher tries his best to let aside his inferiority complex and tries to share his passion to this young prodige. Only the love for music is moving him forward on this sad journey of facing his shortcoming as an omega.

Meanwhile, the young kid cannot comprehend the worries of the grown-ups. With fickle yet sincere attachement for fostering his talent, he secretly abhor unrequited feelings for his teacher. For who do you play the violin? To conquer the art or to conquer the smile? Obviously, this little guy has no choice but to master the art to one day please his heart.

Clearly, this is a casual Age-Gap story with the seme being younger and a nice "Time gasp" to give the seme the time to mature.

Me too, I had a crush on someone way too old for me as a kid. Don't make it weird, guys; you nasty for that. Also, I have the feeling that the teacher is not even aware of the kid's peculiar interest for him.
