The side story is way more intriguing and has more substance than the main story lol. And ...

Cappuccino October 30, 2023 4:13 pm

The side story is way more intriguing and has more substance than the main story lol. And Dohyeok was never a rapist. He is manipulative yes but never forced anyone unlike all the other assholes in this

    Stan123 October 30, 2023 6:30 pm

    Thisss... if people are calling DH a rapist then Jiwoon, Suha and Siwoo are definitely all rapists too.

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 1:40 am
    Thisss... if people are calling DH a rapist then Jiwoon, Suha and Siwoo are definitely all rapists too. Stan123

    Funny thing is DH never did anything as severe as Siwoo, Suha, and Jiwoon. They love claiming DH is the worst.

    Sassy9 October 31, 2023 3:59 am


    Foxy October 31, 2023 6:18 am

    Why everyone is forgotten about what he did in ch 89 and all the other shit just cause now he getting his karma back he is innocent? Wow

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 7:04 am
    Why everyone is forgotten about what he did in ch 89 and all the other shit just cause now he getting his karma back he is innocent? Wow Foxy

    Who said he’s innocent? I just don’t care anymore cause they’re living their life now, focusing on side story. If you’re gonna bring up what DH did in ch 89 (which he hit Suha because Suha first attacked him with boiling water), I don’t see you complaining about Suha raping Jiwoon.

    And what happened to Dohyeok around chapter 135-136 is not what he deserved. No one deserves rape if that’s what you’re talking about. Suha was never raped by Dohyeok so I don’t get why you think what happened to Dohyeok is deserved. They aren’t on the same level, Dohyeok mainly threatened and assaulted Suha which is wrong and I’ve never said he’s justified for that. Cause he isn’t. But he still didn’t deserve the gangrape.

    By your logic, Suha should be gang raped cause he raped Jiwoon.

    Min October 31, 2023 7:17 am
    Why everyone is forgotten about what he did in ch 89 and all the other shit just cause now he getting his karma back he is innocent? Wow Foxy

    no one is saying he's completely innocent, and rape isn't "karma".

    Foxy October 31, 2023 9:18 am
    no one is saying he's completely innocent, and rape isn't "karma". Min

    I didn't mention rape but all the bad things he did to others he is getting back ,he was also in part where suha was having forced s.x with his gang bang team when they were in relationship by manipulating him to do so ? And domestic violence was his fav thing to do so yeh he is getting all that back

    Foxy October 31, 2023 9:25 am
    Who said he’s innocent? I just don’t care anymore cause they’re living their life now, focusing on side story. If you’re gonna bring up what DH did in ch 89 (which he hit Suha because Suha first attacke... Heu77

    He got gang raped cause he is frds with those rapy he knows what kind of persons they are are still he takes participate in all the things they do and whyu want suha should be gang raped he already got before with them when they were studying together get that straight

    Foxy October 31, 2023 9:33 am
    He got gang raped cause he is frds with those rapy he knows what kind of persons they are are still he takes participate in all the things they do and whyu want suha should be gang raped he already got before w... Foxy

    And did u read the dialogue of his in recent ch about the young boys if u didn't than read it again , but anyways idc just pointing out my points cause u all making him as he is the best guy around then all the others , other's are shit and he is less good but good u making it should like that that's y I said

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 2:42 pm
    I didn't mention rape but all the bad things he did to others he is getting back ,he was also in part where suha was having forced s.x with his gang bang team when they were in relationship by manipulating him ... Foxy

    I don’t think Suha was forced in the gang bang. Dohyeok even told him to go away if he didn’t want to, Suha joined just to please Dohyeok (out of guilt and possible love at the time). So it wasn’t non-consensual.

    All I’m saying is that he didn’t rape. I never said he’s a good guy. And even if he is an asshole, he still didn’t do anything severe to deserve rape at all.

    Also it’s not domestic violence. I’m pretty sure he only hit Suha once or twice. One time because Suha first threw boiling water at him and the other time I forgot.

    And about Dohyeok’s recent chapter dialogue, I doubt he’d want others to go through what he went through. He’s just making empty threats but I doubt he’d really do that. You’ll find out once the raws are translated.

    And while Dohyeok was friends with those guys, I doubt he realized how severe they could be. They organized a sex group yes but they didn’t just randomly throw people in without consent (unless I forgot)..

    levipleasecallmeback October 31, 2023 7:43 pm

    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occasions where he thought dohyeok would leave him, and when he made suha have sex with other people. if you reread the early chapters and also the side stories of their relationship, the sex wasn’t for personal pleasure it was for appeasement/approval. suha “willingly” fucking dohyeok or strangers was only for making him happy and not wanting to break up. suha makes it very obvious he doesn’t like the orgies dohyeok completely disregards that, by not only pressuring him but guilting him into it. coercion of sex is rape, and agreeing to sex doesn’t = not being a victim of the situation you were put in

    its valid that u think the second couple is more intriguing/has more sustenance, but saying dohyeok isn’t a rapist is wrong and downplays what he did to suha.
    also genuine question but why do u think the second couple has more substance than the main story? im curious :)

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 8:21 pm
    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occa... levipleasecallmeback

    Dohyeok told Suha he can go if he wants to, Suha stayed out of guilt and pressure, but again Dohyeok never physically forced him to have sex or just threw him in. Dohyeok never told Suha he loves him, it was one sided I think on Suha’s end. I really did despise Dohyeok at the time. Or maybe I missed something, I’m serious when I say I don’t remember much, feel free to leave chapters here. Suha knows Dohyeok doesn’t care about him but stayed “willingly” out of guilt. He didn’t want to but felt like he owed something.

    I’m just saying Dohyeok isn’t a rapist because by the general definition, rape is without complete consent, coercion can fall under that term but it isn’t the same level. And my whole point is that Dohyeok did not deserve the gangrape, people who say he deserved it is just weird. It’s weird how everyone’s hating Dohyeok the most and going on about how he’s a rapist but completely overlooks the fact Suha did much worse to a sleeping person.

    There are different laws about coercion and rape being different, for you it may be the same but in some countries it’s not. That’s why I’m going by the general definition. Suha never tried to stop the sex group or tell Dohyeok he’s leaving, he gave a dubious consent, dubious cause he did it for Dohyeok.

    I haven’t read the main story in a while so I definitely forgot some things so feel free to list the chapters and what happened.

    I personally like the side story better because I like bottoms that are more mean (not the actions Dohyeok did but the way Dohyeok is stubborn etc). Suha isn’t aside from the fact that he also raped Jiwoon, which is on another level than coercion, dude forced Jiwoon’s dick inside him while Jiwoon was asleep.

    Again, I don’t justify any of what Dohyeok did. Yes he’s still an asshole and spoiler— (dude threatens Siwoo’s family company).

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 8:29 pm
    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occa... levipleasecallmeback

    Dohyeok definitely sexually assaulted, rape is a much heavier word though. Coercion can be done in many ways “ the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.“

    Again, coercion does fall under the rape term but it’s not always true. It’s a broad term. Two types of coercion- as in “do what I say or I’ll break your legs” and passive as in “ do what I say or I’ll not do business with you”.

    Dohyeok did the latter, he told Suha he can go if he doesn’t want to do it with him/other group, Suha didn’t want that and to please Dohyeok out of guilt, he stayed. It’s really not on the same level as not being given a choice.

    However I still agree that Dohyeok is not the best and is trashy.

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 8:36 pm
    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occa... levipleasecallmeback

    And as someone stated; “If nagging someone for sex is rape, then is nagging someone to go see a movie with you kidnapping? Is nagging someone to lend you money considered robbery?

    It's obviously a shitty thing to do, but so long as someone is free to get up and leave then I'd still say that they had a voluntary choice.”

    Suha definitely was given a choice by Dohyeok to leave, or I missed something. I’m not very confident in what I say so don’t rely on my words too much.
    And I’m going on based off what others have said, I did not reread the main story cause I do not want to.

    Heu77 October 31, 2023 8:41 pm
    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occa... levipleasecallmeback

    You know what? I’ll go reread the main story and be back with a document from what I’ve analyzed and remember. I am sorry if I got anything wrong, I apologize for any misinformation.

    Heu77 November 1, 2023 1:12 am
    he did sexually assault suha and so did the people involved in the gangbang, rape isn’t always violent or black and white (like consenting with yes or no). suha was forced to fuck him in the bathroom, on occa... levipleasecallmeback

    Hi I finished rereading and made a document. I made a recent post in the comment section, feel free to check it out.

    levipleasecallmeback November 1, 2023 1:57 am
    Dohyeok told Suha he can go if he wants to, Suha stayed out of guilt and pressure, but again Dohyeok never physically forced him to have sex or just threw him in. Dohyeok never told Suha he loves him, it was on... Heu77

    ahh dw about the spoiler ive read the story and sides already. but you did just describe rape, as coerced sex is a form of rape so it would be on the same level. it’s non-violent pressure but it still intimidates the other party into doing sexual acts they wouldn’t agree to otherwise. guilt and owing someone something are factors that play into rape. there are rape and sexual assault organizations that also back this information up, so even though the law defines it differently we have to remember that rapists are far more protected by states compared to victims who need not only testimonies, but hard evidence (most of that time gathering that evidence is very intrusive and triggering). also imo suha is not comparable to dohyeok in terms of hate. ofc he doesn’t deserve to be gang raped but he’s done despicable things; from memory he raped suha on multiple occasion, pressured him to do sexual acts on other people, was toxic and emotionally abuse to suha, drugged jiwoon and wanted him to get raped, and also has been a horrible person throughout the entire series. im too lazy to reread and find the exact chapters but all these things (and more) do happen. i brought this up to explain why you’re confused on all the shittalking about dohyeok when it’s completely justified considering his actions

    also that’s where i disagree about suha and him “raping”. suha and jiwoon were comfortable having sex while the other person fell asleep and they didn’t need explicit verbal consent. it may not be easy to read in between the lines, but this type of unspoken consent is common irl. of course that’s not to say rape can’t happen between a loving/trusting couple, but neither of them were in positions of a power after their established relationship. it’s not overlooking what suha did, in assuming other readers also considered it part of their healthy sex and not any form of taking away someone’s power/taking advantage. it’s quite literally a kink (somnophilia and is pretty common). also that’s just my take on it, im not trying to argue but shed light on some opinions that need a different perspective

    but omg i get that, mean characters getting submissive is satisfying as hell hdjsksk. and btw i didn’t think u justified his actions, but i will say you’re giving him a lot more lenience with his actions and are a bit misinformed when it comes to what defines rape/sexual assault

    levipleasecallmeback November 1, 2023 2:10 am
    And as someone stated; “If nagging someone for sex is rape, then is nagging someone to go see a movie with you kidnapping? Is nagging someone to lend you money considered robbery?It's obviously a shitty thing... Heu77

    hm okay what i have to say about this is that both the analogies are NOT on par with rape. nagging for money or watching a movie are tangible things that by definition don’t fit the standard of kidnapping and robbing. those exaggerations require a completely different set of actions. robbery is unlawfully taking money by force or threat. kidnapping is abducting or holding someone captive against their will unlawfully. but rape is a vindictive action that requires the mental and physical violation of a person, for the assaulter’s pleasure. it’s not a “given choice” if the other option leaves a person distressed, pressured, and distraught otherwise. rape isn’t an experience you can volunteer out of, especially when the victim feels like they don’t have a choice to say no. if a person doesn’t fully consent or want to have sex it by definition is sexual assault and/or rape, point blank period

    all this to say is that please please do your research when claiming what defines rape, consent, and the signs of these things. im really not saying all these things to be rude or mean, but it’s not good to have these opinions on rape especially when they feed into rape culture

    Heu77 November 1, 2023 2:23 am
    ahh dw about the spoiler ive read the story and sides already. but you did just describe rape, as coerced sex is a form of rape so it would be on the same level. it’s non-violent pressure but it still intimid... levipleasecallmeback

    Yes yes I made a new post regarding rape and My Suha. Also what Suha did with Jiwoon is most definitely rape, “also that’s where i disagree about suha and him “raping”. suha and jiwoon were comfortable having sex while the other person fell asleep and they didn’t need explicit verbal consent.”

    Putting someone’s dick inside you while they are sleeping and has no idea is nothing but rape. I don’t remember them discussing about being able to have sex while sleeping. Doesn’t matter if you’re close or not. Even couple has boundaries themselves.

    Jiwoon is most definitely in power considering all the toxic shit he did and had security guards try to keep Suha inside, he’s also from a wealthier family and a higher position in terms of status. Status is taken seriously in South Korea. Let’s not forget he continued even after Suha repeatedly told him to stop.

    Both of them raped each other. Suha doesn’t seem to take it seriously for long, forgiving in the end, and so I didn’t really care. Same for what Dohyeok did. I am more lenient on both of them despite what they did, not just Dohyeok. I’m lenient with Dohyeok because I really don’t care what he did in the past. He’s still an asshole no kidding.

    It’s rape. I will agree with you that what Dohyeok did is rape, I just don’t think it’s on the same level of being gang raped without a choice. Suha gave dubious consent, but of course it’s a complicated topic and it varies in different places on what is rape and what isn’t.

    In my country it’s only rape if it’s through penetration, not exactly intimidation or dubious consent alone. So I went by my country definition. They don’t take those as seriously as straight up rape where the victim is severely and psychologically impacted.

    Heu77 November 1, 2023 2:44 am
    hm okay what i have to say about this is that both the analogies are NOT on par with rape. nagging for money or watching a movie are tangible things that by definition don’t fit the standard of kidnapping and... levipleasecallmeback

    You’re right with the first. But sexual coercion and coercion in general can be rape, but not all sexual coercion/coercion is rape, this phrase is odd but that’s how it rolls in different places but I just throw this away when it comes to fiction, just mentioning it here. Suha was definitely given a choice to go, he could’ve denied and ran off. But again, at the time, Suha LOVED Dohyeok romantically and was treated horribly by Dohyeok, yet he couldn’t see that or ignored the signs.
    He stayed cause he liked Dohyeok, in the present times we can see he stands up to Dohyeok normally. It was mainly dub con. I try to separate reality and fiction.

    He’s still nervous around Dohyeok as he should be, but he is able to throw sarcastic comments and just insult Dohyeok right in his face. It isn’t on par with what Dohyeok went through, where he ran off after seeing Youngwu and vomiting, shaking. Suha was also shaken up I’m pretty sure but he’s had it with Dohyeok.

    And no worries you weren’t being rude, in fact you’re quite polite about it. It’s very confusing because a lot of places have different perspectives on what rape/coercion is, are they the same or different, etc. I’m not very educated on this topic.

    I definitely believe what Suha gave was mostly dubious consent rather than the drugged up and captured rape that happened to Dohyeok. And also I’m not saying the hate for Dohyeok is not justified, I’m saying that those people who said he deserves rape are no better and that Dohyeok doesn’t deserve rape. That’s my whole point but I tend to ramble and now the topic of sexual consent came up, it’s really confusing.

    You know what? I think what I’m trying to say is that what Dohyeok did to Suha through intimidation is not the same as being drugged up, captured, and raped by many men. That scene shook me physically and as I have an intrusive mind, I have to relook at the scenes, it’s a must. But when Suha was being pressured and he gave a dubious consent, I didn’t really think much of it other than: “Damn Dohyeok is a piece of shit, I hope he gets a taste of his own medicine” at the time.

    I think everyone sees it differently but for me it’s like that.