
OhGurl October 30, 2023 3:46 am

This is so juicy! I love a good psychological murder mystery!!! Ugh!! There SOOOOO MANY mysteries and unanswered questions!!

I don't think everyone in the comments are taking this story for what it is. It's a psychological, thriller, mystery story where the two main characters just happen to be men I'm a relationship. You can't reduce it down to JUST being a BL. This isn't a romance. It's an obsession.

Also, in horror movies you're like,
"Don't go through that door!"
"Why didn't they just call the police?"
"You know your daughter is a murderer! Why don't you get her help!?"

It's like that. This isn't going to be a healthy story (clearly not, homeboy got Taekyung chained to the bed in the future AND his mama is a killer) stop trying to look at it from that perspective. Accept you're reading a Psychological Thiller and NOT a love story.

    GXypher October 30, 2023 3:59 am

    eyyyyy this is the comment i've been looking for MONTHS, finally someone said it

    OhGurl October 30, 2023 4:25 am
    eyyyyy this is the comment i've been looking for MONTHS, finally someone said it GXypher

    Yes!! YES!! thank you for understanding! I just want to read something that makes me shovel popcorn in my mouth and feel like a off nrmad Sherlock Holmes!

    (That blonde man I thought was his dad at first but now, I'm thinking that's his uncle

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 30, 2023 8:34 am

    Everyone talking bad about Heeso but forgetting what they are getting themselves into i love this manhwa thriller , spiced up sex and messed up situation make story exciting upcoming chapters will thicken the plot more

    Noxart October 30, 2023 10:56 am

    Yes and the psychological aspect is sooo good and well dvlped !!
    I know ppl love good ending but I might even wish that it will end badly bc it's more fitting