
Qxeen_zxy October 29, 2023 11:03 am

Duke… please just say how you feel. She’s not an unreasonable woman and would answer every question of which you have a concern. It’s really unreasonable of you to expect her to just offer information when you never asked anything. I know this is the common miscommunication trope but it’s so frustrating to see it happen again and again to the same couple. After the first two times, he should have realised that TALKING TO HER would solve all the mystery.

    Morcheeba October 29, 2023 11:03 pm

    ...I suppose they just genderflipped his job (the fretting part); I guess Nisha has already solved the whole thing with "pocket dimension hopper" or something and completely forgot to tell him ^^

    Qxeen_zxy October 29, 2023 11:44 pm
    ...I suppose they just genderflipped his job (the fretting part); I guess Nisha has already solved the whole thing with "pocket dimension hopper" or something and completely forgot to tell him ^^ Morcheeba

    Yeah but it pisses me off no matter if it’s a woman, a man, a horse or chicken doing it. It makes me so mad whenever authors draw out the miscommunication trope. It’s good for 2-3 situations but after that, just go seek therapy. If you’re struggling that much to speak your mind, you need therapy to help undo whatever mental block you have that prevents you from communicating. People are not mind readers and even if we were, spoken words hold more meaning and significance than thought words do. I just wish the author would make him learn this valuable lesson quickly so I don’t have to get annoyed at him creating problems out of thin air by not simply asking questions to find out answers.