Guys, how do you create an album? I never wanted to create one but suddenly do. Ofc, I hav...

yousayvoltron November 29, 2016 4:24 am

Guys, how do you create an album? I never wanted to create one but suddenly do. Ofc, I have no idea how haha. Tell me if you know thanks.

    I R eejit November 29, 2016 4:49 am

    I'm not sure how to do it on a phone or tablet but on PC, when you go to the page/image you want, scroll to the bottom and you'll see a green button "Add to album" and a pop up will appear like when you're adding a title to your list and then just proceed from there.

    Miku November 29, 2016 5:16 am

    On mobile:
    I recommend knowing what manga pages you want to add because it would get tediously annoying.
    1. Find manga page
    2.) around the upper right hand corner there should be three horizontal lines on top of each other, tap it.
    4.) hit "old version"
    5.) at the bottom of the page, now, directly below the manga page to the left , should be a button "add to album". You can also create an album.
    6.) once done, and if you like the new version/Mobile more, scroll up to top of the page in the middle and hit "New Version".
    Sorry this is long but really hope this applies to the device you are using!!

    Mint November 29, 2016 5:22 am

    Select a page that you want to add to an album

    click on that page and a box will appear "add photo to album" it gives choices whether to add to an existing album or create a new album.

    Spring dance November 29, 2016 7:51 am
    On mobile:I recommend knowing what manga pages you want to add because it would get tediously annoying. 1. Find manga page 2.) around the upper right hand corner there should be three horizontal lines on top of... Miku

    This is really a big help. I usually read on my nexus tablet and the " add to album" button always be there for me to hit , but sometimes I read on mobilephone I can't find the godly button elswhere to hit and thus I have to bookmark it and add to my album later when I come back to my tablet (โ‰งโˆ€โ‰ฆ)

    yousayvoltron November 30, 2016 1:15 pm

    Thank you everyone! You've all been very helpful :)