We are getting new story from this author. It's called something like Love and Roll, looks like the characters are in rock band or something. Art is beautiful but proportions again are so off. Ik It's just the art, if story is okay it doesn't matter as much but having them look like wide closet with ping pong sized head + super small petite doll bittom is Idk just a bit strange.
I saw some pics and they look like a carbon copy of Seunghyun and Youngjin just with different skin colours Sashasunflow4321
So true xD I've read it, ot's a short story, literally only about sex, for some reason those scenes made me uncomfortable, not because it's bad or violent, story isn't like it, but the way certain things looks.
We are getting new story from this author. It's called something like Love and Roll, looks like the characters are in rock band or something. Art is beautiful but proportions again are so off. Ik It's just the art, if story is okay it doesn't matter as much but having them look like wide closet with ping pong sized head + super small petite doll bittom is Idk just a bit strange.