dohyeokis in love with siwoo, his way of showing it is toxic but dohyeok never had any normal relationship before, his friends, his relationship with suha, his relationship with hid brother and family, all his relationships been toxic, so expecting bim to have normal lovely dovey altitude toward siwoo is unrealistic.
On other hand siwoo while he not therapist he actually caused this situation when he first meet dohyeok in that room rather then just leaving he did that to dohyeok, who end up developing new kink.
In end it all mess since very beginning.

I don't think he's inlove with him yet, more like he got attach to him especially since siwoo seems to challenge him and not treated him as a spmeone superior like he was used to
I think it started as smth like "he doesn't know me and he's not treating me like dirt for what I did, because he doesn't know me just doing what he wants" and to a certain extent that also passes him off bc "he should know who I am and what am capable"
In a way Dohyeok rlly behaves like a wounded cat
I WAS REALLLY AGAINST THIS SIDE STORY! Cuz i have been reading this from the very beginning where i have seen suha's and jiwoons hardships in which dohyeok contributed a LOT especially when i learned that his partner would be siwoo, THE ONE WHO'S BEEN ALWAYS THERE TO HELP SUHA AND SUHA'S RELATIONSHIP WITH JIWOON! but i was like "let's trust the process and see how things will go" but OMFG THE AUTHOR GANG GRAPED DOHYEOK WHICH MADE HIM HAD A "TRAUMA" AS IF THAT WILL MAKE ANYTHING HE'S THAN TO THE MAIN COUPLE BETTER?!!! i mean, she should've chosen another path since "r@pey" things are getting old you know? and im literally against on that, like can you be more creative? Reading up to the latest chapter it seems like dohyeok still doesn't know his wrongdoings which means it's still far from there but ig with siwoo by his side he might really get a chance to repent and pay for his sins (fairly) but i hope he discovers that on his own cuz your man siwoo is not a therapist and that would be such a great development to his character. Thats y'all, just ranting but still reading this story HAHAHAHAHA and im still rooting to our side couple